

  1. only if i had a windows7 id pony up my computer 10000000000000% :P

    Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:06:08 UTC from web
    1. @epiclittlebony What OS do you have?

      Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:08:12 UTC from web
      1. @rainbowdashepicness :P a 2001 windows :P

        Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:08:49 UTC from web
        1. @epiclittlebony So, windows XP? You could be referring to Windows 2000, but nothing would work using that..... SO I doubt it's Windows 2000

          Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:10:09 UTC from web
        2. @epiclittlebony But, if you REALLY want Windows 7 , presuming your omputer can handle it, and you don't want to buy it you can always, # it

          Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:11:35 UTC from web
          1. @rainbowdashepicness u mean steal it? :P

            Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:12:19 UTC from web
            1. @epiclittlebony Piracy is not theft. Stealing removes the original copy, piracy does not. If you want to get a new OS, though, you may as well take a look into Linux. You can get that for free legally. If it's not nice, you can always pirate Windows afterwards :P

              Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:13:02 UTC from web
              1. @omni I gotta agree with you on Linux. I love Linux, but just couldn't get used to the .exe support issues.

                Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:14:02 UTC from web
                1. @rainbowdashepicness .exe support issues? Why would you even run Windows software on Linux? Linux has its own software, the only thing you can't really run on Linux are some Windows games, but with Steam coming to Linux and so, more and more games are getting Linux support (you can already see this trend clearly).

                  Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:15:45 UTC from web
                  1. @Omni This was a while back, though, and I didn't really try that hard to get programs to help me with it, I mean I got wine, but in the end my parents got cherriesed at me for using # (Variant of Linux if you don't already know) so, they in the end told me to take it off.

                    Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:17:33 UTC from web
                    1. @rainbowdashepicness I know Ubuntu, I personally think it's good for beginners but I wouldn't touch it with a 10-foot pole myself anymore. It's not for me :P I wouldn't recommend using WINE anyway, but looking for Linux alternatives. For example, LibreOffice instead of Microsoft Office.

                      Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:19:16 UTC from web
                      1. @omni Yeah, I did manage to use FreeBSD and get a, god what are they called, well, I got GNOME launcher on it. I know that's Unix, but it's in some way related.

                        Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:21:34 UTC from web
                        1. @rainbowdashepicness Ah, FreeBSD. I remember trying that, the installer broke for me and I couldn't get it to install. I'm personally using GNOME3 now. It's less effective than GNOME2, but it looks beautiful and I love their notification system. I surely prefer it over Unity, though. Ugh, Unity...

                          Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:22:54 UTC from web
                          1. @omni Yeah, FreeBSD was a tough one to install, sides it just starts out with a lines of code basically, so without a desktop manager, you can't really do anything.

                            Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:24:29 UTC from web
                            1. @rainbowdashepicness I use Arch Linux, which starts without any desktop environment and window manager as well and uses BSD-style initscripts. Really, I know what it's like :P

                              Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:25:13 UTC from web
                              1. @omni Did you have a tough time getting a desktop manager to install? Since I remember having about an hour or two of hell.

                                Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:27:29 UTC from web
                                1. @rainbowdashepicness The first time I tried Arch Linux I spent a few hours in complete hell, but right now I can get a system with desktop environment running in less than 10 minutes with my eyes closed.

                                  Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:28:17 UTC from web
                                  1. @omni I wish I could say the same, I got that done around 3-4 years ago, I was pretty young too. I don't really remember much what I had done with it.

                                    Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:29:45 UTC from web
                                  2. @omni I can do it in ~5 minutes plus actual copy/download time, and yeah, it's so much fun for someone as nerdy as me. :D

                                    Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:30:19 UTC from web
                                    1. @bitshift Well, I was including the downloading and installing. It's really only a few commands in most cases, a no-brainer if you've done it before :P

                                      Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:30:59 UTC from web
                                      1. @omni Yeah. And I would have to say that the process alone really improved my understanding of what's going on at that level of a system.

                                        Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:31:58 UTC from web
                                        1. @bitshift Agreed, agreed. And well, it is fun, yeah. Just, a system that can be customised to your needs and wishes, waiting for your commands. It's a great feeling...

                                          Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:33:33 UTC from web
                                      2. @omni My new "okay, I don't quite understand this, but I want to" OS install is now FreeBSD's. :P

                                        Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:32:48 UTC from web
                                        1. @bitshift From Arch to FreeBSD eh? That's just a hop skip and a jump away from Gentoo ^_^

                                          Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:33:48 UTC from web
                                          1. @toksyuryel Yep. Gentoo is the other one I want to get installed (in a VM only for now, since my laptop has some unholy combination of filesystems and EFI that have so far prevented me even managing to boot a live image) at some point, just because I love the idea of the USE flag system. (USE = "-kde" ahoy! :P)

                                            Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:38:11 UTC from web
                                            1. @bitshift I love USE quite a bit. Here's what my /etc/make.conf looks like currently

                                              Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:43:45 UTC from web
                                              1. @toksyuryel "-emacs -xemacs" I think we'll get along just fine. :)

                                                Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:48:49 UTC from web
                                                1. @bitshift I'd put -kde and -gnome in there but so far nothing I've installed has had either of them on by default, and I only put flags in there when they differ from the default so as to prevent that variable from becoming an unmaintainable mess (I made this mistake my first time using Gentoo. Never again).

                                                  Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:51:47 UTC from web
                  2. @omni Not to mention the humble indie bundles bringing so many fantastic games to Linux. Such as Bastion. And Spacechem.

                    Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:17:40 UTC from web
                    1. @toksyuryel True, I love that.

                      Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:19:28 UTC from web
                  3. @omni Wait, they actually confirmed that (Steam on Linux) at last?

                    Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:17:41 UTC from web
                    1. @bitshift Yeah they did that one or two months ago.

                      Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:19:25 UTC from web
                      1. @toksyuryel Oh, neat. It's been getting "confirmed" and then un-confirmed on and off since at least 2009, so I'd started to think it was never going to happen.

                        Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:20:31 UTC from web
                        1. @bitshift Well this time it was actually somebody at Valve who said it. Before it was always speculation based on certain files that were present in some of the updates.

                          Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:22:01 UTC from web
                          1. @toksyuryel Hence the scare-quotes on "confirmed". But yeah, actual confirmation is pretty neat, even if it doesn't immediately draw in a significant level of porting of non-Valve games.

                            Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:23:30 UTC from web
                            1. @bitshift Luckily not only VALVe is porting their stuff:

                              Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:25:38 UTC from web
                              1. @omni This is because of the Wasteland 2 kickstarter. They raised enough money to fulfill their promise of Linux support, and then went and chose unity3d as their development platform. So they went and got the source code from them and are actually porting it themselves.

                                Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:27:03 UTC from web
                                1. @toksyuryel Oh, that's cool!

                                  Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:28:35 UTC from web
                            2. @bitshift I'll be happy if I finally get to play Audiosurf. I bought it years ago before I realized that steam and wine make a bad combination.

                              Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:26:07 UTC from web
                              1. @toksyuryel Well, it plays pretty great nowadays, but I know you don't like using Wine, so it'll be good to get a native build. :)

                                Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:27:19 UTC from web
                                1. @bitshift Indeed :D

                                  Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:27:37 UTC from web
                    2. @bitshift Not the best videos, but it brings the point across.

                      Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:21:26 UTC from web
                      1. @omni Holy moley, bearded Gaben. Was not expecting that.

                        Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:22:13 UTC from web
              2. @omni o

                Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:14:44 UTC from web
                1. @epiclittlebony o? o,o

                  Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:16:04 UTC from web
                  1. @omni *oh

                    Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:16:27 UTC from web
      2. @rainbowdashepicness and then i have my mom's windows 7 :P

        Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:10:12 UTC from web
    2. @epiclittlebony You don't need Windows to pony up your computer :P

      Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:10:39 UTC from web
      1. @omni :P ik

        Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:11:17 UTC from web
      2. @omni Hes right, I have desktop ponies :D

        Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:11:30 UTC from web
        1. @killerkiwi117 Desktop Ponies runs on Linux just fine :P

          Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:12:10 UTC from web
          1. @omni I know it can (And it's a hek of alot of fun :D)

            Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:12:58 UTC from web