

  1. What do you ponies think about the Newest Doctor Who series?

    Monday, 06-Jun-11 04:06:56 UTC from web
    1. @appledashfan I don't watch. I keep meaning to, but I'd kinda want to start at the beginning, and... well, that's some serious work to do.

      Monday, 06-Jun-11 04:08:02 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    2. @appledashfan Sadly, with SOLs, final exams, etc. I haven't been able to watch it.

      Monday, 06-Jun-11 04:08:09 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    3. @appledashfan I honestly prefer the 10th Doctor.

      Monday, 06-Jun-11 04:10:45 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @philosodash Mine was David Tennant's Doctor

        Monday, 06-Jun-11 04:12:38 UTC from web
        1. @appledashfan Yeah, the 10th Doctor. He was the best - he had the best voice, and was really cute.

          Monday, 06-Jun-11 04:14:43 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
          1. @philosodash Did you know he was in Harry Potter?

            Monday, 06-Jun-11 04:16:45 UTC from web
            1. @appledashfan Barty Crouch Jr. in HP4 :D

              Monday, 06-Jun-11 04:19:07 UTC from web
              1. @loak You are CORRECT sir!

                Monday, 06-Jun-11 04:23:19 UTC from web
            2. @appledashfan Actually no, I didn't. That's awesome!

              Monday, 06-Jun-11 04:19:34 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
              1. @philosodash This is my timey-whimey device, It goes bing when I find stuff!

                Monday, 06-Jun-11 04:24:02 UTC from web
                1. @appledashfan People assume time is a straight progression of cause to effect, but actually, from a non-linear, non-objective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly... Timey-wimey... Stuff.

                  Monday, 06-Jun-11 04:27:13 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                  1. @philosodash Wellll... Well.... Wellll....

                    Monday, 06-Jun-11 04:28:57 UTC from web
                    1. @appledashfan You're kidding me... I've always wanted to say that. Allons-y Alonso!

                      Monday, 06-Jun-11 04:30:39 UTC from StatusNet Desktop