

  1. Alright, a general thank you to all! I don't think I'll have time tonight to thank each and every member who sends me a welcome message, so this is it.

    Saturday, 11-Jun-11 03:56:12 UTC from web
    1. @ahamlinman In case you didn't know, you can tag multiple people in a status like this: @starshine @carcinopony @communistprime @nvrrmbr @redenchilada

      Saturday, 11-Jun-11 03:58:08 UTC from web
      1. @loak @loak @loak

        Saturday, 11-Jun-11 03:58:50 UTC from web
      2. @loak

        Saturday, 11-Jun-11 03:59:59 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      3. @loak Thanks!

        Saturday, 11-Jun-11 04:02:49 UTC from web
    2. @rainbowflash @starshine #

      Saturday, 11-Jun-11 03:59:50 UTC from web