

  1. I just want to be liked.

    Thursday, 13-Sep-12 01:32:44 UTC from web
    1. @i5hairloss8y Welcome to RDN! You get a party, he gets a party, she gets a party, EVERYPONY GETS A PARTY

      Thursday, 13-Sep-12 01:32:47 UTC from the Death Egg Mk. III Super Ultr
      1. @welcomepony Well there ya go then.

        Thursday, 13-Sep-12 01:33:41 UTC from web
    2. @i5hairloss8y

      Thursday, 13-Sep-12 01:33:29 UTC from web
    3. @i5hairloss8y No offense but that's not the first thing you say to a person or anywhere.

      Thursday, 13-Sep-12 01:34:25 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @marshy yeah well you know, i'm just a spammer trying to get my links seen by google, so i'm trying to fly under the proverbial radar as a trojan horse *cough*

        Thursday, 13-Sep-12 01:46:26 UTC from web
        1. @i5hairloss8y The mods will love you.

          Thursday, 13-Sep-12 01:47:31 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        2. @i5hairloss8y Big YTCracker fan?

          Thursday, 13-Sep-12 01:47:59 UTC from web
          1. @scribus huh? YTcracker? what's that?

            Thursday, 13-Sep-12 01:53:29 UTC from web
            1. @i5hairloss8y He's the second coming of the Spam God!

              Thursday, 13-Sep-12 01:54:55 UTC from web
              1. @scribus

                Thursday, 13-Sep-12 01:56:06 UTC from web
                1. @i5hairloss8y You should get drunk out of your wits and punch yourself in the head. IT'S AWESOME!!

                  Thursday, 13-Sep-12 01:56:35 UTC from web
                  1. @scribus uhhhhh... ok I'll take your word for it *hic*

                    Thursday, 13-Sep-12 01:58:33 UTC from web
                    1. @i5hairloss8y I WANNA SEE HEAD-BLOOD GORRAMIT!!

                      Thursday, 13-Sep-12 01:59:00 UTC from web
                2. @i5hairloss8y Best video I've seen since cool guy.

                  Thursday, 13-Sep-12 01:57:52 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  1. @marshy she's actually adorable and addictive in an unfathomable sort of way

                    Thursday, 13-Sep-12 02:00:26 UTC from web
        3. @i5hairloss8y What a crackup.

          Thursday, 13-Sep-12 01:50:28 UTC from web
    4. @i5hairloss8y But welcome

      Thursday, 13-Sep-12 01:34:47 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    5. @i5hairloss8y hey who's you're favorite pony

      Thursday, 13-Sep-12 01:35:06 UTC from web
      1. @redenchilada your* wow I almost never make that typo.

        Thursday, 13-Sep-12 01:35:33 UTC from web