

  1. going to rewatch mlp seasons 1 and 2

    Tuesday, 18-Sep-12 20:57:46 UTC from web
    1. @shadowstreak welcom nwewpone

      Tuesday, 18-Sep-12 20:57:58 UTC from Welcome Hill Zone
      1. @welcomepony I still think I should disable that one.

        Tuesday, 18-Sep-12 20:58:18 UTC from web
        1. @minti Okey dokey lokey! I'll ignore ponies now! So mean!

          Tuesday, 18-Sep-12 20:58:35 UTC from Welcome Hill Zone
          1. @welcomepony No not that. Enable. Blah, you.

            Tuesday, 18-Sep-12 20:58:56 UTC from web
            1. @minti Okey dokey lokey! I'll start talking to ponies again! Yay!!

              Tuesday, 18-Sep-12 20:59:13 UTC from Welcome Hill Zone
          2. @welcomepony :C

            Tuesday, 18-Sep-12 20:59:16 UTC from web
        2. @minti No, please no. It's one of the best welcomes.

          Tuesday, 18-Sep-12 20:58:53 UTC from web
        3. @minti I think so too. It doesn't make sense to folks who've never seen SBaHJ and just comes off as a massive non sequitur.

          Tuesday, 18-Sep-12 21:00:32 UTC from web
          1. @thelastgherkin Exactly. It may be amazing but it's suppose to be a welcome bot, not a "lulz for everyone but the newpony" bot. xD

            Tuesday, 18-Sep-12 21:01:17 UTC from web
            1. @minti I guess that means you're not going to add "hey stud" :(

              Tuesday, 18-Sep-12 21:02:46 UTC from web
    2. @shadowstreak Hurrah! Enjoy doing that! ^-^

      Tuesday, 18-Sep-12 21:00:13 UTC from web
      1. @dlcentaur trust me i will cant wait for season 3

        Tuesday, 18-Sep-12 21:11:50 UTC from web
        1. @shadowstreak None of us can... :/

          Tuesday, 18-Sep-12 21:12:48 UTC from web