

  1. One week until my risk of death in a transatlantic plane crash rises significantly

    about a year ago from web
    1. @zeldatra On the bright side: The risk of a plane falling from the sky crashing onto you is then significantly reduced as you are in the plane.

      about a year ago from web
      1. @adiwan and then once the plan lands my risk of getting killed in a mass shooting also falls significantly

        about a year ago from web
        1. @zeldatra Lemme know how it feels to not need to scope the exits and cover opportunities for every building you enter

          about a year ago from web
          1. @scribus Downtown London is crazy man, kids in the suburbs were getting off school, came to the city on a train, and were just wandering about buying sweets with their allowances, never would’ve dreamed of doing that when I was a kid (I mean, mostly because the Washington metro didn’t hit my hometown until I was 25, but still…

            about a year ago from web