

  1. next time something like NFTs drops that could make me a ton of money but is ethically unsound, could somebody please let me know before you tell everyone else so that I can get in early and when the whole thing explodes I can be like “damn they hired death squads in WHICH developing nation? Oh man I didn’t know my bad dude” and run off with the money while publicly taking a stand against whatever terrible thing I’ve been complicit in

    about a year ago from web
    • @zeldatra Yeah. Every time I thought: "Who in their right mind would buy into that stuff?!?!? It's obviously a scam." Well... It was a scam but I'm not richer from that outcome, except for a sense of being right. People still fall for MLM schemes. The next dumb thing is always there.
      Anything dumb is on the verge of exploiting the dumb masses.
      What about I come up with something myself. Like a dumb attachment for the heels, like cowboy spurs, but they make some sound every time you make a step (obviously you need an app to configure that). The marketing gag is that it should encourage walking. But it will make all bystanders insane and children will abuse them in every way possible.

      about a year ago in context
    • @adiwan I'm always torn between actually having a conscience and wondering if it's already too late until it actually is too late

      about a year ago in context
    • @scribus Yeah. I think the same of the stock exchange. It's a huge and legal gambling machine.

      about a year ago in context
    • @adiwan See, that's why I just goto Vegas. They're honest about fleecing you, and sometimes you get a free buffet!!

      about a year ago in context