

  1. I keep running into this problem where the things I write are usually totally cool on the internet where nobody can really stop me from describing mangoio in the crudest terms possible, but right now I’m writing for what is possibly going to be on television and those same words would probably get me a very nasty letter from standards and practices. It’s very hard to go from writing like you’re your own boss to writing in such a way that won’t lose the network twenty million dollars in Wendy’s advertising.

    about a year ago from web
    1. @zeldatra Do like other great shows did: invent new dirty words! Battlestar Galactica used *frak* all the time. It's not about the word, it's all about the inflection. I believe the most innocent word can be turned into a swear word when it's used as a swear word long enough. Using adjacent words can be also a nice opportunity to widen the vocabulary.

      about a year ago from web
      1. @adiwan Oh yeah, for real. My great-grandma would never, ever cuss... but she made "fool" sound like the *real* F-word if she got riled up.

        about a year ago from web
        1. @scribus She watched too much A-Team and pitied the fool.

          about a year ago from web