

  1. Who was it that wanted the RDN MC server again.. @twitch andddd @greenenchilada - good news, everythings back up on my dedicated, I'm uploading the entire .tgz file of the old RDN MC, it's 800MB big of a download. I'll re notify once it's up to DL

    Wednesday, 17-Oct-12 20:34:05 UTC from web
    1. @mrdragon I did too~ though I'll probably be scarce due to lack of time I should connect every now and then.

      Wednesday, 17-Oct-12 20:36:10 UTC from web
      1. @toksyuryel This is the old RDN MC save, it's the entire folder from the old server this place had. Twitch was wanting to reuse it or something like that.

        Wednesday, 17-Oct-12 20:37:08 UTC from web
        1. @mrdragon Oh, it's not the one all that stuff we built is on?

          Wednesday, 17-Oct-12 20:38:21 UTC from web
          1. @toksyuryel You meaning the one you used to play on? If so yes it is, I'm giving it out to those that want it for personal use.

            Wednesday, 17-Oct-12 20:39:02 UTC from web
            1. @mrdragon Yeah that one. Is the server you're running now a completely new map then?

              Wednesday, 17-Oct-12 20:39:58 UTC from web
              1. @toksyuryel It is yes, myself and Jessi have modelled it a lot better and it's without any of the original issues (aka that god for saken lag that had me in a rage more days then not trying to understand it)

                Wednesday, 17-Oct-12 20:40:46 UTC from web
                1. @mrdragon Ah. So I will need to rebuild Crimsonia then... but this is good, I kinda wasn't happy with it anyway.

                  Wednesday, 17-Oct-12 20:44:28 UTC from web
                  1. @toksyuryel The worlds actually mostly unexplored, so who knows what you may find.

                    Wednesday, 17-Oct-12 20:46:33 UTC from web
                    1. @mrdragon 1.4 is going to be coming on Oct 24th so maybe I'll wait until then to go exploring.

                      Wednesday, 17-Oct-12 20:49:31 UTC from web
                      1. @toksyuryel Might be for the best, yeah. Me and Jessi are still working on the survival spawn, so we're in no rush. Also, if there was anything on the old creative world you wanted, I can MC edit it and get bob to re-build it on here for you

                        Wednesday, 17-Oct-12 20:50:41 UTC from web
                        1. @mrdragon Oh, that would be nice if I could keep that whole construction area I had going on the old creative so I wouldn't have to redesign some things. I bet @bitshift would love to have his area back too.

                          Wednesday, 17-Oct-12 21:17:02 UTC from web
                          1. @toksyuryel I'll go cut it out and get it worldedit pasted in

                            Wednesday, 17-Oct-12 21:23:05 UTC from web
                            1. @mrdragon Awesome, thanks :D

                              Wednesday, 17-Oct-12 22:13:47 UTC from web
                        2. @mrdragon I just tried to connect now just to preview the server and it said I'm not whitelisted. Are you sure it's the same IP?

                          Thursday, 18-Oct-12 20:29:12 UTC from web
                          1. @toksyuryel Fixed that little problem, seems the cfg decided it didn't wanna update itself.

                            Thursday, 18-Oct-12 21:12:30 UTC from web
                  2. @toksyuryel We've not even been in the End or the Nether

                    Wednesday, 17-Oct-12 20:46:51 UTC from web
    2. @redenchilada Hmmm?

      Wednesday, 17-Oct-12 21:24:39 UTC from web
      1. @mrdragon daaawwww

        Wednesday, 17-Oct-12 21:25:00 UTC from web
      2. @mrdragon Wrong post, sorry

        Wednesday, 17-Oct-12 21:25:17 UTC from web
      3. @mrdragon d'awwww !saved

        Wednesday, 17-Oct-12 21:26:36 UTC from web
      4. @mrdragon Can this be your avatar? It would be so perfect <3

        Wednesday, 17-Oct-12 22:13:30 UTC from web
    3. @mrdragon Cool!! , Just let me know when its up, and location.

      Thursday, 18-Oct-12 03:56:21 UTC from web