


    Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 17:38:49 UTC from web
    1. @redenchilada No.

      Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 17:39:09 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    2. @redenchilada MEAT EATERS FOREVER.

      Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 17:39:40 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    3. @redenchilada Have I mentioned my vegetarian meal today was quite tasty, and I do not miss eating meat in the slightest? # # # # #

      Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 17:40:29 UTC from web
      1. @omni This ham I'm about to eat is delicious. It's even better because it's stuffed with turkey. And I think I'm going to top it with some bacon. Mmm, smell that meaty goodness. Don't you want a bite? Those silly vegetables don't have the same flavor as a good piece of meat. Here, I'll give you half.

        Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 17:42:47 UTC from web
        1. @redenchilada When we roast a turkey here it gets covered in bacon to keep the meat from drying out.

          Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 17:44:30 UTC from web
        2. @redenchilada No thanks, just keep it. Also, some "faux meat" actually tastes quite similar to real meat, and some even better. Bacon, however, has never been to my taste. Just enjoy your meal, like I enjoy mine, where is the problem anyway?

          Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 17:44:37 UTC from web
          1. @omni What I'd like to know is that if meat is such a bad thing why do they try so hard to make vegetables taste like it?

            Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 17:47:32 UTC from web
            1. @colfax The explanation for that is actually quite logical. By giving people something which looks and acts like something they are known to, people are more likely to switch. It's the same with pretty much anything. Imagine if a new car would look completely different from all the other cars on the market, like completely missing a chassis or so. Due to the fact that you're not used to such a look, you will feel less interested in trying it out, and more distanced from it. Therefore, I believe this "faux meat" is a solution to make it easier for people to switch over to a vegetarian life-style, by making vegetarian products which look, feel and taste like actual meat products, which people are used to.

              Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 17:51:39 UTC from web
              1. @omni @colfax In short, a shady scam to hook up people.

                Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 17:53:33 UTC from web
                1. @nerthos @omni Yeah, but they don't taste or feel like what they're trying to imitate, I tried facon on a dare and determined it to be made of soy and hate, with the feel of a fried fruit roll-up.

                  Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 17:55:03 UTC from web
                  1. @colfax Not even turkey bacon is any good, so why would fake bacon be any good.

                    Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 17:55:54 UTC from web
                    1. @redenchilada I don't know, turkey bacon is okay. It's not bacon, but...

                      Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 17:56:20 UTC from web
                      1. @fortecadenza I tried it once and didn't care for it. That was a long time ago, though... my point is bacon is delicious and people shouldn't tamper with it.

                        Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 17:56:57 UTC from web
                    2. @redenchilada Bacon is not supposed to be chewy.

                      Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 17:56:35 UTC from web
                  2. @colfax I do agree that some faux meat tastes absolutely terrible, and most faux meat products still have a long way to go. Depending on the country, there are good ones every now and then, though. I haven't seen any really good ones in Germany yet, but here in the Netherlands we have some which are of such high quality that if I would give it to a meat eater they would most likely not be able to tell it apart from what they normally eat, which is great and frightening at the same time.

                    Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 17:56:58 UTC from web
                    1. @omni Just like in Fallout!

                      Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 17:57:59 UTC from web
                    2. @omni I will create a revolution in meat products. It will taste so close to real meat because it will be made from real meat.

                      Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 17:58:12 UTC from web
                      1. @redenchilada Will it be meat?

                        Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 18:01:19 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                        1. @greenenchilada Nah, I'll pick a new name for it.

                          Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 18:02:50 UTC from web
                    3. @omni The word is "fake", unless you're french or a pretentious tit, the word is "fake"

                      Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 17:58:43 UTC from web
                      1. @colfax Well, that escalated quickly. At any rate, Wikipedia\cite{} seems to agree with my choice of wording though. Fake meat, however, makes it sounds like an inferior product, which I believe it is not.

                        Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 18:02:08 UTC from web
                        1. @omni Well, if it's designed specifically to imitate meat without actually being meat, then it is technically "fake meat".

                          Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 18:03:31 UTC from web
                        2. @omni Right, and wikipedia is never wrong... It's something pretending to be something it's not, that's pretty much the definition of fake as far as I'm concerned.

                          Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 18:04:12 UTC from web
                          1. @colfax @redenchilada I agree with both of you here, but I just personally dislike the term "fake meat". I guess I could consider going for "meat substitutes", though, but I will think that through a bit.

                            Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 18:06:05 UTC from web
                            1. @omni "meat lookalike"

                              Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 18:07:01 UTC from web
                        3. @omni "We managed to avoid making it sound like an inferior product by making it offensive to french people"

                          Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 18:04:42 UTC from web
                        4. @omni Actually, here we go: "Fake: v To pretend; simulate" And fake meat products are...

                          Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 18:06:09 UTC from web
                  3. @colfax As a sustitute, they're terrible. However I'll agree with @omni in that some are actually tasty. I usually stay clear of vegetarian stuff, but there's a shop run by some taiwanese guys that make really GREAT food.

                    Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 18:00:24 UTC from web
                    1. @nerthos I'd rather eat my shoes...

                      Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 18:02:38 UTC from web
                      1. @colfax Well, they should be good enough with some bacon.

                        Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 18:03:14 UTC from web
        3. @redenchilada Turkey day will be fun.

          Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 17:46:04 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    4. @redenchilada CARNIVORE SUPREMESTS

      Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 17:40:36 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    5. @redenchilada Meat is nice. I just ate some chicken.

      Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 17:51:04 UTC from web