


    Saturday, 08-Dec-12 16:01:05 UTC from web
    1. @redenchilada Yup, you did. You missed a GREAT episode.

      Saturday, 08-Dec-12 16:01:24 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos SHOOSH. Gimme a youtube link when it shows up there D:

        Saturday, 08-Dec-12 16:02:08 UTC from web
        1. @redenchilada I will. Ponkie promise.

          Saturday, 08-Dec-12 16:02:27 UTC from web
    2. @redenchilada nooooooooooooo D:

      Saturday, 08-Dec-12 16:01:42 UTC from web
    3. @redenchilada Overslept what? D: Hopefully not work!

      Saturday, 08-Dec-12 16:01:53 UTC from web
      1. @dlcentaur lol, typical oblivious pinkie reaction?

        Saturday, 08-Dec-12 16:02:25 UTC from web
        1. @mashuga31 Indeed.

          Saturday, 08-Dec-12 16:03:08 UTC from web
      2. @dlcentaur No, just the only episode I actually gave a crap about catching live :c

        Saturday, 08-Dec-12 16:02:43 UTC from web
        1. @redenchilada Oh... sowwies! :(

          Saturday, 08-Dec-12 16:03:42 UTC from web
        2. @redenchilada it was amazing. You missed out bro

          Saturday, 08-Dec-12 16:03:54 UTC from web
        3. @redenchilada Judging by your avy I completely understand. xD But at least when it goes on youtube there wont be any commercials. Stay far away from spoilers until then so your heart may explode properly when its due.

          Saturday, 08-Dec-12 16:04:30 UTC from web
    4. @redenchilada So did I ☹ what was supposed to be 45 minutes turned into an hour and 45 minutes ; ;

      Saturday, 08-Dec-12 16:04:24 UTC from web
      1. Dang hypnosis files.

        Saturday, 08-Dec-12 16:06:09 UTC from web