

  1. Sure, today it's version 17 and in a year it's version 29. Can you see the problem? We're going to run out of numbers, Mozilla!

    Sunday, 23-Dec-12 15:09:37 UTC from web
    1. @omni Even though Google obviously does this much worse.

      Sunday, 23-Dec-12 15:10:09 UTC from web
    2. @omni "Firefox 6.294e+29"

      Sunday, 23-Dec-12 15:10:32 UTC from web
      1. @redenchilada And then package managers will break because they will think "Oh, this is version 6.294. Version 578829 was obviously newer."

        Sunday, 23-Dec-12 15:11:15 UTC from web
    3. @omni Maybe they'll switch to hex. That'll at least buy them time.

      Sunday, 23-Dec-12 15:14:04 UTC from web