

  1. McDonald's happy meal ponies make excellent ornaments for the tree.

    Monday, 24-Dec-12 23:09:52 UTC from web
    1. @colfax Once I got a happy meal and there were girl pony toys and when the guy said "Boy or Girl toy?" I told my mom " Say girl! Say girl!". This is why she thinks i'm gay.

      Monday, 24-Dec-12 23:12:58 UTC from web
      1. @rainbowjayce I just told them to give me a pony.

        Monday, 24-Dec-12 23:13:54 UTC from web
      2. @rainbowjayce Find a straight brony with a partner, everything will be explainable :P

        Monday, 24-Dec-12 23:14:11 UTC from web
        1. @omni I actually have a Pegasister GF. My mother still thinks i'm gay. dole logic.

          Monday, 24-Dec-12 23:15:23 UTC from web
          1. @rainbowjayce In all fairness, my partner is female but I'm definitely closer to gay than straight :P

            Monday, 24-Dec-12 23:36:41 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            1. @omni That doesn't make any sense. But I suppose it wasn't meant to.

              Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 00:08:08 UTC from web
              1. @kamikaze I can have a relationship without sexual... stuff. It's complicated, goes a bit down the road of abuse and multiple personalities and I can't be bothered to explain now :P

                Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 00:16:36 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                1. @omni you're like the most complex person I know. I'd give you an irl hug if I could

                  Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 00:27:40 UTC from web
                  1. @crusader8 Well, at least "complex" sounds better than "a mess". Hugs are practically always nice. I should be able to get some IRL on December 26th from my owner, but I wouldn't decline a hug from you (albeit we will most likely never meet) *hugs*

                    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 00:31:37 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                    1. @omni you should refer to your owner as Conan

                      Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 00:33:13 UTC from web
                      1. @crusader8 Why?

                        Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 00:35:34 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                        1. @omni why not?

                          Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 00:44:18 UTC from web
                          1. @crusader8 Because that's not her name and I see no reason why I should call her that

                            Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 00:46:56 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                            1. @omni refer to owner as... Wonder Woman? Huntress? Jean Grey? Ripley? Ooh I got it - Red Sonja! (pronounced sonya)

                              Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 00:49:05 UTC from web
                              1. @crusader8 How about Celestia or Luna? This is a silly game you're playing.

                                Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 00:50:21 UTC from web
                                1. @kamikaze I wasn't recommending code names to you :P

                                  Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 00:52:39 UTC from web
                              2. @crusader8 I don't see that being a good replacement for owner in the sense of "someone who takes care of a (human) pet who needs clear orders and a sense of safety through submission due to suffering from irrational fears and panic attacks" (that's not the standard definition of owner)

                                Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 00:52:44 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                1. @omni code names aren't suppoped to symbolically represent the porpoise, silly!

                                  Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 01:01:40 UTC from web
                                  1. @crusader8 I still don't like your code names

                                    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 01:06:41 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  2. @crusader8 I suppose complex also is a nice replacement for doesn't make any sense. @omni I don't care much about who or what you are as long as you can be happy with it.

                    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 00:43:18 UTC from web
                    1. @kamikaze I don't hate being the kind of person I am, but mental stability issues do make life rather hard... I wish I could get rid of those, but not change much besides that.

                      Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 00:45:47 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                      1. @omni I lack the context for an appropriate response. But it sounds like you're doing mostly fine.

                        Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 00:49:10 UTC from web
                        1. @kamikaze I like who I am buy don't like how my oversensitivity causes me to get severely depressed, suicidal or panic attacks practically daily :/

                          Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 00:54:22 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                          1. @omni I have a slew of very different problems. I wish you good luck with yours.

                            Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 01:08:25 UTC from web
                            1. @kamikaze Same from me to you. Hope things will improve

                              Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 01:10:19 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      3. @rainbowjayce Actually, what I told them was "I require a pony."

        Monday, 24-Dec-12 23:15:42 UTC from web
    2. @colfax Our tree is covered in blindbag pones.

      Monday, 24-Dec-12 23:13:55 UTC from web