

  1. @applebloomsarepetalknives @strawberryspice @flaminglight Hey guys what is everypony up to? :)

    Saturday, 09-Apr-11 17:56:55 UTC from web
    1. @loak # Nothing.

      Saturday, 09-Apr-11 17:58:02 UTC from web

      Saturday, 09-Apr-11 18:00:57 UTC from web
      1. @draggle Hello sir!

        Saturday, 09-Apr-11 18:01:26 UTC from web
        1. @chipthe3rd I'm not a sir.

          Saturday, 09-Apr-11 18:05:00 UTC from web
          1. @draggle Sorry, Ma'am.

            Saturday, 09-Apr-11 18:05:28 UTC from web
            1. @chipthe3rd It's all right. This is the Internet, after all. Internet can make me feel LIKE I'M THE ONLY GIRL IN THE WORLD. ;p

              Saturday, 09-Apr-11 18:06:56 UTC from web
              1. @draggle # Welcome. I see you've joined up mid-RP session, join if you want, or don't, your choice, yes?

                Saturday, 09-Apr-11 18:07:50 UTC from web
                1. @chipthe3rd I'll join if I can figure out how to!

                  Saturday, 09-Apr-11 18:08:56 UTC from web
                  1. @draggle # All you have to do is think up an original character and post as that character. Don't forget to mark all out of character posts with the tag #

                    Saturday, 09-Apr-11 18:10:14 UTC from web
                    1. @chipthe3rd Oh well, I think I would just as soon make a DraggleRP account and play as my broken-horned fluffy redhead unicorn. ;) I probably will, eventually.

                      Saturday, 09-Apr-11 18:14:27 UTC from web
                      1. @draggle # You can do that, yeah.

                        Saturday, 09-Apr-11 18:18:10 UTC from web
      2. @draggle Yay Friendship!

        Saturday, 09-Apr-11 18:02:15 UTC from web
        1. @anathemicone YAY YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYYYY!

          Saturday, 09-Apr-11 18:05:17 UTC from web
      3. @draggle I'll be your friend :D friendship is magic!

        Saturday, 09-Apr-11 18:33:27 UTC from web
        1. @loak Thank you! :D

          Saturday, 09-Apr-11 18:38:22 UTC from web
          1. @draggle # I'll be friends with you too.

            Saturday, 09-Apr-11 18:39:04 UTC from web
            1. @chipthe3rd Thank you, too! :D

              Saturday, 09-Apr-11 18:39:23 UTC from web
              1. @draggle # You are welcome.

                Saturday, 09-Apr-11 18:40:16 UTC from web
          2. @draggle No problem ^.^ So what interests do you have? Besides ponies of course.

            Saturday, 09-Apr-11 18:48:40 UTC from web
            1. @loak I'm a mother and a teaching assistant, and a graduate student of Human Services. I'm the non-preachy vegetarian Buddhist who works herself too much, but I promise you I'm about eight years old at heart and utterly ridiculous.

              Saturday, 09-Apr-11 18:51:44 UTC from web
              1. @draggle Oh that's cool :) I'm an undergraduate Civil Engineering student, but I will always be a kid at heart as well. However, I never thought I'd ever be into My Little Pony at all or consider myself a brony haha xD

                Saturday, 09-Apr-11 18:54:55 UTC from web
    3. @loak I'm chatting, and on YT. Yourself?

      Saturday, 09-Apr-11 18:01:55 UTC from web
      1. @flaminglight I just got back from Big Event which is essentially a whole bunch of college students goin around the county and doing community service stuff which was pretty cool :) now I'm just gonna relax and watch some anime.

        Saturday, 09-Apr-11 18:51:19 UTC from web
        1. @loak Awesome, which anime?

          Saturday, 09-Apr-11 18:54:08 UTC from web
          1. @flaminglight First, I'm watching the last episode of Yumekui Merry and then I need to make some progress on Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann which I've been trying to convince myself to finish for about 5 months now...

            Saturday, 09-Apr-11 18:56:13 UTC from web
            1. @loak I love Gurren Lagann! It's one of the extreme, extreme few mecha series i give a crap about.

              Saturday, 09-Apr-11 18:59:17 UTC from web
              1. @flaminglight You see, it's difficult for me to give a crap about any mecha anime. And frankly, I still don't give a crap about it as of now. But from what I here, it gets better after episode 11 (which is where I stopped) so I'm gonna try to push myself to finish it!

                Saturday, 09-Apr-11 19:01:05 UTC from web
                1. @loak Oh yeah..keep gets soooooo much better, you won't beleive it.

                  Saturday, 09-Apr-11 22:15:01 UTC from web
              2. @flaminglight Did someone mention Gurren Lagann?

                Saturday, 09-Apr-11 19:01:06 UTC from web
                1. @fialvert Did somebody mention mentioning Gurren-Lagann?

                  Saturday, 09-Apr-11 19:02:14 UTC from web
                  1. @retl @fialvert Yes, I brought up Gurren.

                    Saturday, 09-Apr-11 22:14:18 UTC from web
    4. @applebloomsarepetalknives Lol, wow

      Saturday, 09-Apr-11 22:15:56 UTC from web