

  1. Ok, so scratching out the porn, that leaves a wopping 1 story in the mature section. Good job, internet.

    Thursday, 03-Jan-13 06:10:54 UTC from web
    1. @zeldatra Well, there are only two ways to get a Mature rating on fimfic. Gore isn't popular with most people.

      Thursday, 03-Jan-13 06:21:24 UTC from web
      1. @redenchilada I would very much prefer gore.

        Thursday, 03-Jan-13 06:24:37 UTC from web
      2. @redenchilada I WILL WRITE THE WORST GOREFIC (outside of "Cupcakes") EVAR!! D:<

        Thursday, 03-Jan-13 06:26:00 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        1. @scribus It'll have stuff like, And then, for no reason, FLUTTERSHY'S HEAD EXPLODED!! TWICE, even!! And it got all over everypony else and was all gory and stuff! D:<

          Thursday, 03-Jan-13 06:27:38 UTC from MuSTArDroid