@widget do you have an idea why my !solarempire references don't work?
Friday, 18-Jan-13 06:01:23 UTC from web-
@kamikaze You're not among the members.
Friday, 18-Jan-13 06:03:45 UTC from web-
@nerthos So what, I cannot reference groups I'm not a member of? I can reference ponies I'm not subscribed to just fine!
Friday, 18-Jan-13 06:05:00 UTC from web-
@kamikaze For groups you can't without joining.
Friday, 18-Jan-13 06:05:27 UTC from web -
@kamikaze You have to be a member of a group to post to it. It's not a mention, the post becomes part of the group.
Friday, 18-Jan-13 06:06:00 UTC from web-
@toksyuryel Well, I don't want to be part of the !solarempire or even post TO it. I just want ponies to be able to click a link so they can see what I'm talking about.
Friday, 18-Jan-13 06:07:16 UTC from web
@kamikaze You could, though, use a # instead of a !, since ! mentions show when you click the # tag fr a word.
Friday, 18-Jan-13 06:07:23 UTC from web-
Friday, 18-Jan-13 06:08:02 UTC from web
@kamikaze That didn't work, test 2: #solarempire
Friday, 18-Jan-13 06:08:32 UTC from web
@nerthos OK, however it doesn't know about aliases and it doesn't lead ponies to the group, which was my original intent.
Friday, 18-Jan-13 06:10:50 UTC from web-
@kamikaze Because apparently there are no posts in that refer to the group as !se.
Friday, 18-Jan-13 06:12:44 UTC from web-
@nerthos Even if they were, it wouldn't show !solarempire posts along with !se posts.
Friday, 18-Jan-13 06:13:41 UTC from web-
@kamikaze It wouldn't.
Friday, 18-Jan-13 06:14:03 UTC from web
@kamikaze correct. you must be a member of a group to use their tag
Friday, 18-Jan-13 06:11:04 UTC from web-
We're moving in circles. I don't want to be a member of the group, I just want to reference it. Clearly what I want cannot be done.
Friday, 18-Jan-13 06:12:11 UTC from web-
@kamikaze yup
Friday, 18-Jan-13 06:12:36 UTC from web -
Friday, 18-Jan-13 06:13:13 UTC from web
@nerthos That's nowhere near as smooth as referencing the !lunarrepublic.
Friday, 18-Jan-13 06:14:22 UTC from web-
@kamikaze Totally. !lunarrepublic is best republic.
Friday, 18-Jan-13 06:14:58 UTC from web-
@nerthos Without a doubt.
Friday, 18-Jan-13 06:16:33 UTC from web