

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @thatonestocking Was it Sacred Cards? Or was it one of the tournament games?

      Friday, 08-Feb-13 04:10:04 UTC from web
    2. @thatonestocking Oh, so you literally trying to remember the actual game. I would just go to the duelingnetwork. It's got rules, guidelines, deck styles, and coolest of all, you can pick any cards you want.

      Friday, 08-Feb-13 04:11:47 UTC from web
    3. @thatonestocking you might be able to. It's worth the try. I enjoy going on there and dominating with my IRL Different Dimension deck. You're gonna get overwhelmed.

      Friday, 08-Feb-13 04:38:27 UTC from web
    4. @thatonestocking Okay so basically, the new things are: Fusion Deck, where you can make the black and white cards, and you can tribute things a lot more efficiently now. No one uses those really anymore, but for about 2 years that's all people used. Also, people like to use, Naturia, Inzektor, and Six Samurai, and Six Samurai just got new cards, so that goes double. The other two have been nerfed slightly, but really nothing else has changed. People have seemed to have gotten faster, so be on your toes.

      Friday, 08-Feb-13 04:43:05 UTC from web
      1. okay, here's the premise to give an idea: [i]Each year, Fluttershy and Rarity's weekly spa date happens to fall on Hearts and Hooves day — Rarity's favorite holiday. Fluttershy doesn't want to get in the way of her ongoing search for her one true love, so each year, she suggests to postpone it that week. And each year, Rarity politely agrees. It was Rarity who picked the day for their weekly dates in the first place. It was also Rarity who was first to start calling their weekly meetups "dates." Fluttershy can't seem to connect the dots. Maybe Twilight can help.[/i] gunna be a 2-3k slice of life romance. Need a name.

        Friday, 08-Feb-13 04:53:09 UTC from web
        1. @crusader8 oh my god that's cute

          Friday, 08-Feb-13 04:54:07 UTC from web
          1. @rarity I'm thinking, "Can't be too kind for love."

            Friday, 08-Feb-13 04:54:57 UTC from web
            1. @crusader8 okie. Tell me when you're done because I'll read the heck out of it! I can even like read over it before you're finished if you want help.

              Friday, 08-Feb-13 04:56:59 UTC from web
              1. @rarity Now I actually have to write it lol

                Friday, 08-Feb-13 05:00:42 UTC from web
                1. All this talk of writing makes me realize I'm a sack of apple for not writing.

                  Friday, 08-Feb-13 05:04:41 UTC from web
                  1. @rarity I should try writing a pone story again some time. Then you can all laugh about how bad I still am at it

                    Friday, 08-Feb-13 05:05:35 UTC from web
                    1. @redenchilada anybody can write. It is literally the easiest art form.

                      Friday, 08-Feb-13 05:06:20 UTC from web
                      1. @rarity Writing well, though

                        Friday, 08-Feb-13 05:07:05 UTC from web
                        1. @redenchilada Just put words on the page! That is what is great about writing, is that if your passionate about something, it will come across clear as day.

                          Friday, 08-Feb-13 05:08:18 UTC from web
                      2. @rarity It really is. I wrote a great story about an evil Ronald McDonald in grade 6.

                        Friday, 08-Feb-13 05:07:06 UTC from web
                        1. @yodelerty I'm sure it was beautiful.

                          Friday, 08-Feb-13 05:07:37 UTC from web
                          1. @rarity It was a masterpiece. It won like a billion awards.

                            Friday, 08-Feb-13 05:08:41 UTC from web
              2. @rarity writing it now. Hopefully it doesn't suck.

                Friday, 08-Feb-13 05:26:34 UTC from web
                1. @crusader8 your first time through it, just get your thoughts on the page. once they are all there, then worry about editing or anything.

                  Friday, 08-Feb-13 05:27:56 UTC from web
                  1. @rarity I've been through the song and dance.

                    Friday, 08-Feb-13 05:35:58 UTC from web
            2. @crusader8 that's good. Also maybe "Loving Kindness is no Easy Feat"

              Friday, 08-Feb-13 04:57:24 UTC from web
              1. @pony I would actually use that if it was in Rarity's pov, but I'm using Fluttershy's pov

                Friday, 08-Feb-13 04:58:29 UTC from web
                1. @crusader8 ah xD that does make a difference.

                  Friday, 08-Feb-13 05:01:47 UTC from web
            3. @crusader8 I like yours better. it fits better

              Friday, 08-Feb-13 04:57:58 UTC from web
        2. @crusader8 I can't fathom why that BBCode didn't work.

          Friday, 08-Feb-13 04:54:55 UTC from web
          1. @yodelerty couldnt contain the shipping.

            Friday, 08-Feb-13 04:55:27 UTC from web
    5. @thatonestocking what game?

      Friday, 08-Feb-13 04:45:56 UTC from web
    6. @thatonestocking AHHHHHHH. Okay so, tell me what you do remember/know?

      Friday, 08-Feb-13 04:46:18 UTC from web
    7. @thatonestocking again, what game are you talking about???

      Friday, 08-Feb-13 04:53:35 UTC from web
    8. @thatonestocking oh okay, well i'm a pro at yugioh :3

      Friday, 08-Feb-13 04:54:42 UTC from web
    9. @thatonestocking Okay, well how about we work around you, one step at a time: you have a question, come to me. We'll move from there.

      Friday, 08-Feb-13 04:55:22 UTC from web
    10. @thatonestocking though i never go to nationals or anything like that.

      Friday, 08-Feb-13 04:55:37 UTC from web
    11. @thatonestocking go to and you will be able to duel others online

      Friday, 08-Feb-13 04:57:30 UTC from web
    12. @thatonestocking then, my work here is done.

      Friday, 08-Feb-13 05:00:21 UTC from web
    13. @thatonestocking why not just play more pokemans

      Friday, 08-Feb-13 05:05:01 UTC from web
    14. @thatonestocking You don't have a GBA emulator on your phone?

      Friday, 08-Feb-13 05:06:26 UTC from web
    15. @thatonestocking My English teacher wants me to participate in a journalism contest for her. I think she's deluded

      Friday, 08-Feb-13 05:08:18 UTC from web