

  1. So, I have an assessment concerning the Brony fandom and where it's headed. I believe we are currently withdrawing from what myself and many others consider to be the initialization era, or the Golden Age. This has been a boom-time of sorts, an age where Music, Literature, Art and much more was mass produced, and where the creators of the show began to make shout-outs to us. Reviewing history, what usually follows a "Golden Age"? A Dark Age. And what follows that? A Renaisance. Mark my words carefully, and take them to heart.

    Monday, 18-Feb-13 05:58:29 UTC from web
    1. @tenebarius no bo broneys 5evar. love and tolerate

      Monday, 18-Feb-13 05:59:28 UTC from web
    2. @tenebarius I think these things become manifest BECAUSE people recognize and place value in patterns which have no bearing on their context. In other words, self-fulfilling prophecy. In other words, shaddap and enjoy pony.

      Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:00:25 UTC from web
      1. @crusader8 Not exactly. It's good to review what has happened in the past so that we don't allow the same mistakes to occur twice.

        Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:02:55 UTC from web
        1. @tenebarius when it comes to war. This however is a fandom festering with a bunch of fickle paranoid kids with self-esteem issues

          Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:05:06 UTC from web
    3. @tenebarius so everything is down hill now?

      Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:00:34 UTC from web
      1. @rockstar Not at all!

        Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:03:05 UTC from web
    4. @tenebarius The question now stands- If a dark age comes will the fandom be able to withstand it? And if they do stand strong through the trials, will there be a Renaissance? Only time will tell.

      Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:01:41 UTC from web
      1. @tenebarius I'm reminded of the Powerpuff Girls fandom whenever there's talk of the end of the MLP fandom. I was one of very few fans left in the online PPG community years after the show ended production. I knew I never wanted to give up the community, but eventually all that was left was a handful like myself subsisting on comics and fan works. Not even PPGZ helped revitalize our communities I guess since the show was just too different from the original. I'm interested now in seeing where the reboot of PPG as PPGX takes former and lingering fans of PPG..

        Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:12:12 UTC from web
        1. @pony Well, to be honest, I won't be leaving this fandom. Period. It doesn't matter if I lose everyone.

          Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:14:58 UTC from web
        2. @pony @tenebarius Actually... it really matters... but still...

          Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:15:30 UTC from web
          1. @tenebarius @pony The people I've met during my stay in the fandom are the majority of the reason why I love it. :)

            Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:16:36 UTC from web
            1. @neurario the people brought me to FiM

              Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:17:51 UTC from web
            2. @neurario @tenebarius I told myself I'd never leave the PPG fandom. I remain a fan of the show still, but all connections I've made with other fans have since been lost, and I don't have any real intention of going back to that community unless the new series sparks my interest. There is a difference between the FiM fandom and that fandom, though, and that's the emphasis placed on friendships. If any fandom can survive, I feel it's this one, though its form may change.

              Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:20:34 UTC from web
              1. @pony Change is inevitable. Who is to say that it will be for the better or for the worse? It's up to us to push it one way or the other.

                Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:22:27 UTC from web
              2. @pony *nod* You guys have made me feel quite... normal, actually! I'm glad I'm not the only one who wants to see good in the world, I'm glad there are people as cherriesed up as me that I can talk to, I'm glad I have something that I can bond with my siblings over, rather than them distancing themselves from me

                Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:26:16 UTC from web
                1. @neurario I'd love to bond with my brother over something. As for normal,#lolnormal

                  Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:30:52 UTC from web
                  1. @pony Normal as in, I feel normal around you guys because you guys seem similar to me :p

                    Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:33:58 UTC from web
              3. @pony It's helps that the show is about friendship. It's right there in the title.

                Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:31:55 UTC from web
                1. @toksyuryel definitely.

                  Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:33:01 UTC from web
    5. @jjpicklegherkinzombie And from Dark Age, we upgrade to Feudal Age, Castle Age and Imperial Age

      Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:03:32 UTC from web
      1. @neurario Don't forget Post-Imperial Age~

        Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:04:33 UTC from web
        1. @tenebarius I know we just referred to AOE2 but suddenly I feel like trying Empire Earth. xD

          Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:07:02 UTC from web
          1. @neurario Never got to play that one. :c

            Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:09:06 UTC from web
            1. @tenebarius I did a little bit but not much

              Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:10:45 UTC from web
          2. @neurario @tenebarius First one is great, sond one sucks.

            Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:11:46 UTC from web
            1. @nerthos I remember trying the first one and loving it. Second one didn't feel right.

              Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:12:22 UTC from web
              1. @neurario The second one is some kind of mix between a watered down Empire Earth, Rise of Nations, and Risk.

                Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:13:56 UTC from web
    6. @jjpicklegherkinzombie Bummer. Wait a second... Since when did the Bronze age come after the Silver age? xD

      Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:03:52 UTC from web
    7. @jjpicklegherkinzombie LOL. So true.

      Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:05:49 UTC from web
    8. @jjpicklegherkinzombie good wan!

      Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:05:51 UTC from web
    9. @jjpicklegherkinzombie lol. and no complaints here honestly.

      Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:21:52 UTC from web
    10. @jjpicklegherkinzombie by Bleedman? the one mainly featuring the PPG? if that's what you're talking about, then yes, but only to a certain point.. I think he stopped making it

      Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:25:05 UTC from web
    11. @jjpicklegherkinzombie yup. I loved his style! I still have most of it saved I think.

      Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:27:44 UTC from web
    12. @jjpicklegherkinzombie cool! can I get a link?

      Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:32:43 UTC from web
    13. @jjpicklegherkinzombie It's cool he's updated it!

      Monday, 18-Feb-13 06:35:34 UTC from web