

  1. Guys I just came up with a new shipping name. CelestiaXCelestia should now and forever be known as "Sun Ships"

    Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 20:37:27 UTC from web
    1. @desiros Why

      Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 20:44:57 UTC from web
      1. @thelastgherkin Sun chips

        Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 20:56:27 UTC from web
        1. @desiros I don't get it.

          Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 20:57:59 UTC from web
          1. @thelastgherkin Sun ships sounds like sun chips and that is a delicious kind of chip.

            Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 20:58:42 UTC from web
            1. @desiros Oh, it's some kind of snack food I've never heard of?

              Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 20:59:44 UTC from web
              1. @thelastgherkin oh, yeah. I guess I forget not everyone's heard of sun chips. They're kinda gross IMO, but they're really popular in the US at least.

                Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 21:00:28 UTC from web
                1. @flamingpandaomg Sun Chips are delicious

                  Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 21:01:56 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                  1. @yodelerty First Owl City, and now this? Dane, you disappoint me. xD

                    Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 21:02:29 UTC from web
                    1. @flamingpandaomg Not my fault my tastes in everything are so developed

                      Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 21:04:59 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                    2. @flamingpandaomg Owl City is the bee's knees, dude.

                      Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 21:07:43 UTC from web
                      1. @scoot dunno about bee's knees... but okay xD

                        Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 21:10:08 UTC from web
                        1. @flamingpandaomg It's some of the hippest, most jive tunes you can put in your ears

                          Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 21:10:51 UTC from web
                          1. @scoot I dunno. It always makes me sleepy.

                            Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 21:13:02 UTC from web
                            1. @flamingpandaomg How is that a bad thing

                              Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 21:13:15 UTC from web
                              1. @scoot Because I sleep enough as is, I don't need more.

                                Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 21:14:03 UTC from web
              2. @thelastgherkin Yes

                Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 21:00:58 UTC from web
              3. @thelastgherkin here they look like this

                Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 21:04:25 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
          2. @thelastgherkin Celestia = Sun, Celestia x Celestia = 'Sun' ship = Sun chip.

            Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 20:59:06 UTC from web
    2. @desiros how would CelestiaXCelestia even work? Multiple universes? Clones? o.o

      Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 20:45:05 UTC from web
      1. @flamingpandaomg Magic idk it's just for the name

        Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 20:56:20 UTC from web
        1. @desiros well now I'm curious about how it'd work, and if anyone's ever made a CelestiaXCelestia. Hmmmmmm.

          Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 20:57:58 UTC from web
          1. @flamingpandaomg probably, idk. I'm just in it for the funny shipping names

            Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 21:00:50 UTC from web
    3. @vt3c they are delicious

      Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 21:05:33 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    4. @snowlynx Are you trying to tell me you don't enjoy music enough to know more than one band name

      Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 21:09:42 UTC from web
    5. @snowlynx That's a shame, most of the pony music is way worse than real music.

      Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 21:11:08 UTC from web
    6. @snowlynx ^^ I agree. I listen to a lot more pony music than I do anything else.

      Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 21:12:48 UTC from web
    7. @snowlynx I listen to music that I find is appealing to me as an individual, songs about things I care about and/or things I feel I agree with emotionally. I think you just need to branch out more.

      Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 21:13:07 UTC from web