

  1. I tried to anime again, probably best attempt yet?

    Saturday, 11-May-13 12:17:06 UTC from web
    1. @scoot I haven't seen NGE but should she have eyebrows?

      Saturday, 11-May-13 12:18:48 UTC from web
      1. @mastertdi That seems like a minor detail really, I'm more concerned with the anatomy/eyes

        Saturday, 11-May-13 12:20:51 UTC from web
        1. @scoot Ah right, okay. Well no issues come to mind so you can have a gold star

          Saturday, 11-May-13 12:21:50 UTC from web
          1. @mastertdi Aw yea!

            Saturday, 11-May-13 12:22:06 UTC from web
            1. @scoot Put it on the fridge

              Saturday, 11-May-13 12:22:23 UTC from web
              1. @mastertdi You know I will

                Saturday, 11-May-13 12:22:39 UTC from web
                1. @scoot Your mother will be so proud

                  Saturday, 11-May-13 12:23:04 UTC from web
                  1. @mastertdi She might buy me some pokemon cards or even a new scooter if she's super proud

                    Saturday, 11-May-13 12:24:28 UTC from web
                    1. @scoot You could get that Gengar you always wanted

                      Saturday, 11-May-13 12:25:01 UTC from web
                      1. @mastertdi Interestingly, I always had lots of haunters (one of them is shiny, even) and ghastlys but never got a gengar.

                        Saturday, 11-May-13 12:26:25 UTC from web
                        1. @scoot Make me something super nice and I'll send you my Gengar. Well, maybe, anyway.

                          Saturday, 11-May-13 12:27:11 UTC from web
                          1. @flaxx Depends on if it's base set Gengar or not

                            Saturday, 11-May-13 12:28:04 UTC from web
                            1. @scoot It's this one:

                              Saturday, 11-May-13 12:28:57 UTC from web
                              1. @flaxx Oh, wow okay. That's more or less what I was referring to

                                Saturday, 11-May-13 12:30:35 UTC from web
                                1. @scoot I've had it for ages. But I'm afraid I'd never trade it because it's one of my favourite cards.

                                  Saturday, 11-May-13 12:31:07 UTC from web
                                  1. @flaxx Well don't worry about it then. I'm not super psyched about Gengar anyway.

                                    Saturday, 11-May-13 12:31:36 UTC from web
                                    1. @scoot ...Can you still make me something super nice?

                                      Saturday, 11-May-13 12:32:31 UTC from web
                                      1. @flaxx .....Maybe, what do you want

                                        Saturday, 11-May-13 12:32:50 UTC from web
                                        1. @scoot Uh. I... Don't know. I didn't think I'd get this far. I like clouds and ice cream. Can you do something with that? Also harmonicas are cool.

                                          Saturday, 11-May-13 12:34:07 UTC from web
                        2. @scoot I don't even know where my cards are. But I do have a Whismur on the whiteboard on my wall because he's my fave.

                          Saturday, 11-May-13 12:27:54 UTC from web
                          1. @mastertdi I have all my cards together in a box still, including stuff like mewtwo and promo pikachu

                            Saturday, 11-May-13 12:28:34 UTC from web
                            1. @scoot I had a Mewtwo once. I got it from the 1st movie DVD but I wasn't collecting the cards at the time so I gave it to a friend. ;-;

                              Saturday, 11-May-13 12:29:26 UTC from web
                              1. @mastertdi I have base set Mewtwo and some sort of Promo one from the first movie, I think I got it for seeing it in the Cinema.

                                Saturday, 11-May-13 12:30:12 UTC from web
                                1. @scoot That's pretty nifty. I just found it in my sister's DVD case. Fun fact: that's the DVD that got me into Pikamon.

                                  Saturday, 11-May-13 12:31:29 UTC from web
                                  1. @mastertdi BACK IN MY DAY we didn't have fancy pants "DVD"s, I got my Pokemon fix from Video tapes and watching it in the mornings on CITV

                                    Saturday, 11-May-13 12:32:40 UTC from web
                                    1. @scoot Sorry for being a late bloomer into the world of Japanese monsters. ;-;

                                      Saturday, 11-May-13 12:33:24 UTC from web
                                      1. @mastertdi You should be, you fool.

                                        Saturday, 11-May-13 12:33:56 UTC from web
                                        1. @scoot I am cry

                                          Saturday, 11-May-13 12:34:06 UTC from web
                                          1. @mastertdi I am chortle

                                            Saturday, 11-May-13 12:36:38 UTC from web
                                            1. @scoot brb eating ben & jerrys with hands

                                              Saturday, 11-May-13 12:37:00 UTC from web
                              2. @mastertdi "at the time" even though I'm not now.

                                Saturday, 11-May-13 12:30:20 UTC from web
    2. @sirnarwhal c:

      Saturday, 11-May-13 12:19:00 UTC from web
    3. @sirnarwhal It's a smiley face, I was happy that someone thought it wasn't awful

      Saturday, 11-May-13 12:21:03 UTC from web
    4. @sirnarwhal I've had my tablet for 2 years now, it just takes time & practice

      Saturday, 11-May-13 12:23:08 UTC from web
    5. @sirnarwhal I cannot draw pony so you're besting me already. Here is pony drawn by me

      Saturday, 11-May-13 12:27:34 UTC from web
    6. @sirnarwhal Paint is superior to everything. I'm proud of you.

      Saturday, 11-May-13 12:30:24 UTC from web
    7. @sirnarwhal I don't see how using MSPaint = cannot draw pony pony, but fair enough

      Saturday, 11-May-13 12:30:55 UTC from web
    8. @sirnarwhal show me

      Saturday, 11-May-13 12:33:47 UTC from web
    9. @sirnarwhal I can... see if it I can't figure out where the faults are? It's not half bad though, especially for paint

      Saturday, 11-May-13 12:34:52 UTC from web
    10. @sirnarwhal I'd say it's not that bad for a sketch. Might need a little work, but you're not far off! But what do I know, I never draw humans or anime or whatever.

      Saturday, 11-May-13 12:36:04 UTC from web
    11. @sirnarwhal You know what the good thing is? Digital art means you can easily erase and try again!

      Saturday, 11-May-13 12:40:36 UTC from web
    12. @sirnarwhal Go betterify it! I believe in you!

      Saturday, 11-May-13 12:44:26 UTC from web
    13. @sirnarwhal I mean, if you want to. I don't mean to impose. Some people like it when you shout encouraging things at them. Thought it was worth a shot.

      Saturday, 11-May-13 12:46:01 UTC from web
    14. @sirnarwhal 1: The hair suddenly goes thin and then thick again when it leaves the ear, it should be consistent throughout. 2: Your eyes are at different heights, this is bad practice and kind of leaves it looking awkward. 3: The mouth seems to be too far down the face, I drew in some construction lines to try and figure out where I would put it. 4: Her hair seems to be floating to the right of her face when it should actually hug the side of it. 5: Minor gripe, typically anime eyes don't have cuts in them like that, would probably look better without it, personal opinion. 6: I drew in her proper shoulders for you :)

      Saturday, 11-May-13 12:47:28 UTC from web
    15. @sirnarwhal Sorry if I kind of blitzed it a little, don't feel downhearted I just like to help as much as I can

      Saturday, 11-May-13 12:48:01 UTC from web
    16. @sirnarwhal seriously

      Saturday, 11-May-13 12:49:23 UTC from web
    17. @sirnarwhal Why do I even bother

      Saturday, 11-May-13 12:49:46 UTC from web
      1. @scoot If he's serious, it's just plain rude.

        Saturday, 11-May-13 12:50:44 UTC from web
        1. @flaxx Well yeah, I saw some potential there and I just wanted to help him out.

          Saturday, 11-May-13 12:52:37 UTC from web
          1. @scoot If it helps, I read the whole thing. It all sounds like good advice to me.

            Saturday, 11-May-13 12:53:28 UTC from web
            1. @flaxx Thank you

              Saturday, 11-May-13 12:53:48 UTC from web
              1. @scoot My pleasure.

                Saturday, 11-May-13 12:54:51 UTC from web
    18. @sirnarwhal It's literally not that long, what the heck

      Saturday, 11-May-13 12:51:05 UTC from web
    19. @sirnarwhal It's even numbered. It's like 6 sentences.

      Saturday, 11-May-13 12:51:47 UTC from web