scoot (scoot)'s status on Saturday, 11-May-13 12:47:28 UTC

  1. @sirnarwhal 1: The hair suddenly goes thin and then thick again when it leaves the ear, it should be consistent throughout. 2: Your eyes are at different heights, this is bad practice and kind of leaves it looking awkward. 3: The mouth seems to be too far down the face, I drew in some construction lines to try and figure out where I would put it. 4: Her hair seems to be floating to the right of her face when it should actually hug the side of it. 5: Minor gripe, typically anime eyes don't have cuts in them like that, would probably look better without it, personal opinion. 6: I drew in her proper shoulders for you :)

    Saturday, 11-May-13 12:47:28 UTC from web in context