

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @kolzach @mastertdi This is all the work I've done with my artwork today. :D

      Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:07:59 UTC from web
      1. @tavi Puts mine to shame. ;-;

        Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:08:32 UTC from web
        1. @mastertdi @tavi I drew Widget and also started working on this? I think I win maybe

          Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:10:24 UTC from web
          1. @scoot Touche :3

            Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:11:09 UTC from web
            1. @tavi i like this

              Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:12:04 UTC from web
          2. @scoot Moe Joe Joe Joe

            Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:11:16 UTC from web
          3. @scoot I can actually draw when I feel like it.

            Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:11:55 UTC from web
            1. @tavi Please don't show any. XD I don't want to get discouraged and quit drawing.

              Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:12:19 UTC from web
              1. @flamingpandaomg XD

                Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:13:07 UTC from web
            2. @tavi I am unable to draw when I stay away from RDN too long, but very creatively capable when I'm here a lot. I do not know why that is.

              Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:12:27 UTC from web
              1. @scoot because this place is boiling with dozens of weird minds

                Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:14:28 UTC from web
              2. @scoot I get distracted a lot too, but my art is much better with pen and paper. :3

                Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:14:32 UTC from web
                1. @tavi You are very much putting me to shame, I am basically a professional doodler rather than a real artist, I never use colour if I can avoid it and I rarely complete my pictures.

                  Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:16:03 UTC from web
                  1. @scoot now you know why I'm struggling not to quit. XD

                    Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:16:26 UTC from web
              3. @scoot I actually like your anime-ish style. (I tend to lean more toward that style too)

                Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:16:00 UTC from web
                1. @tavi That is my new hobby, I started learning how to draw anime pictures about 2-3 weeks ago.

                  Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:16:27 UTC from web
                  1. @scoot I actually started back in high school. So about... 9 years ago?

                    Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:17:07 UTC from web
                    1. @tavi Well I started drawing in Year 2 which was like.. 6-7 years old, but I never really took it seriously until about 2-3 years ago

                      Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:17:54 UTC from web
                      1. @scoot I've been off and on with my art. I actually stopped drawing for about 5 years and started picking it up again when MLP first came out.

                        Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:18:57 UTC from web
                        1. @tavi MLP really triggered me to try to art properly although I never really quite got it, recently I've been really doing well with it though

                          Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:20:11 UTC from web
                          1. @scoot Same here.

                            Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:21:10 UTC from web
                      2. @scoot This was actually my very first piece of MLP artwork, back when I still used the surname "Kuromi"

                        Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:19:50 UTC from web
                        1. @tavi Yikes yeah that's way better than my first one, back before I had a tablet and was drawing entirely on my DS

                          Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:21:14 UTC from web
                          1. @scoot It wasn't as good as what I wanted it to be and the art style was heavily inspired by the anime "Panty and Stocking" (which I was obsessed with at the time when I drew it)

                            Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:23:14 UTC from web
                            1. @tavi Well that's in no way a bad thing, P&SwG is an excellent anime, I should really look into learning the art style from it

                              Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:24:18 UTC from web
                              1. @scoot :3

                                Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:25:26 UTC from web
                              2. @scoot The art style of P&SwG is actually pretty simple in terms of anime. Most anime is very iconic and detailed, but P&SwG is almost like drawing the Power Puff Girls. :D

                                Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:28:17 UTC from web
                                1. @tavi @scoot (Except when P&S go into their transformation form)

                                  Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:30:33 UTC from web
                                  1. @tavi Yeah I'm leagues away from learning how to draw that

                                    Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:31:29 UTC from web
                                    1. @scoot Not really from what I can see in your unfinished artwork post.

                                      Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:31:58 UTC from web
                                      1. @tavi Yeah but that is just the face, I'd need to get all the anatomy down pat

                                        Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:32:32 UTC from web
                                2. @tavi I always think of it as PowerPuffGirls, who I can draw, so I could probably learn them quite easily, especially Panty - her clothes are very simple.

                                  Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:31:09 UTC from web
                2. @tavi (also that is wonderful omg)

                  Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:17:07 UTC from web
                  1. @scoot Thank you. I wish I had a much clearer picture of it

                    Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:17:52 UTC from web
    2. @oracle Yeah why

      Sunday, 09-Jun-13 21:16:45 UTC from web