

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @awlderpy Oh gosh... why is the audio all balanced on one end? xD

      Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 06:48:01 UTC from web
    2. @awlderpy While probably not as loud, my dad owns a 32' Ford Model B with a V8 engine that absolutely roars whenever he starts it up.

      Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 06:48:47 UTC from web
    3. @awlderpy Perhaps. But still, it's annoying when all of the sound is playing in one ear of your headphones.

      Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 06:49:36 UTC from web
    4. @awlderpy I'm not too sure. I'll ask him the next time I see him.

      Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 06:51:38 UTC from web
    5. @awlderpy Muuuuch better!

      Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 06:53:26 UTC from web
    6. @awlderpy That engine sounds gorgeous with headphones on.

      Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 06:56:11 UTC from web
    7. @awlderpy That's some amazing engineering at work there.

      Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 06:59:18 UTC from web
    8. @awlderpy It's hard to believe something so powerful was made 70 years ago.

      Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:03:47 UTC from web
    9. @awlderpy Awesome! She's probably my favourite pony

      Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:04:02 UTC from web
      1. @vampirequeen Well that's good 'cus I'm making a whole fangame about her. I'm gonna make a version for cell phones too and it'll be awesome

        Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:07:35 UTC from web
        1. @redenchilada Daring Do gets the best fangames.

          Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:08:22 UTC from web
    10. @awlderpy There's more than one generation of Daring Do?

      Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:05:41 UTC from web
    11. @awlderpy I don't believe there is, have you seen a toy of her in another generation before? I was young when I collected them so there's a chance I don't remember

      Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:07:13 UTC from web
    12. @awlderpy I've looked it up and no, there wasn't one. That'd be awesome though

      Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:09:48 UTC from web
    13. @awlderpy That's true. I remember reading about some planes of this era when I studied WWII a while ago.

      Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:10:04 UTC from web
    14. @awlderpy I will totally look into that, because that would be so cool

      Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:12:20 UTC from web
      1. @vampirequeen Not as cool as a good book.

        Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:14:05 UTC from web
        1. @northernnarwhal Anything's cooler than a book

          Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:14:56 UTC from web
          1. @vampirequeen Yeah, anything is cooler than one because books are so hot this time of year!

            Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:16:05 UTC from web
            1. @northernnarwhal >:(

              Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:16:26 UTC from web
              1. @vampirequeen #

                Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:19:24 UTC from web
                1. @northernnarwhal Never

                  Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:20:50 UTC from web
                  1. @vampirequeen Do you find it ironic that one of your favourite characters is Daring Do then?

                    Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:25:34 UTC from web
                    1. @northernnarwhal Yes, kind of

                      Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:26:15 UTC from web
                      1. @vampirequeen Maybe you should just try reading like Rainbow Dash? You could find a character that you can relate to and become immersed in the reading experience.

                        Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:30:49 UTC from web
    15. @awlderpy Not to mention the wartime economy helped get most of the world out of the Great Depression.

      Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:13:45 UTC from web
    16. @awlderpy The Holocaust also serves as an example of the terrible atrocities humans are capable of and why we should avoid them.

      Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:15:40 UTC from web
    17. @awlderpy We all learn from experience, both as individuals and as a species.

      Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:21:07 UTC from web
    18. @awlderpy I think it's because we have inherently differently cultures and sometimes we make assumptions about others that get out of hand.

      Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:24:11 UTC from web
    19. @awlderpy This refers more to politics than culture, but this guy makes some great points #

      Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:32:00 UTC from web
    20. @awlderpy Basically. I think the point Lev made in this video can apply to people anywhere. Obviously, we're not the same. But if we all take a step back and analyze ourselves, we'll see that we're all not that different from each other.

      Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:41:29 UTC from web
    21. @awlderpy That's how I made amends with my dad after some rough childhood experiences.

      Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:44:12 UTC from web