@sprite Look at it like this. Would this fanbase or even THIS VERY WEBSITE exist if people just flat out gave up because of a few failures? The people who made RDN didn't expect the site to become as popular or as successful as they thought. As far as we know, there were probably thousands of people with the same idea to make an MLP social networking site. Did they give up? Obviously not, because you and I are using the result of all of their hard work and determination.
Friday, 09-Aug-13 02:20:54 UTC from web-
@huggablysoft And now we are the herd. ^_^
Friday, 09-Aug-13 02:23:10 UTC from web-
@firewing And I walk alongside, but not within the herd. Because the herd is a loser.
Friday, 09-Aug-13 02:24:16 UTC from web
@huggablysoft Yay Results. ^_^
Friday, 09-Aug-13 02:23:30 UTC from web -
@sprite Oppa Oppa Dendi davai idi nahui
Friday, 09-Aug-13 02:23:59 UTC from web -
@sprite I should probably be watching the International
Friday, 09-Aug-13 02:24:56 UTC from web -
Friday, 09-Aug-13 02:25:07 UTC from web
@sprite Look, it's called PATIENCE AND DETERMINATION. You need to learn how to be patient and LEARN how to become better! God. Even pro's fail. Its part of life. You win some. You lose some. That's life, but LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES. That's what you're failing to do. You fail and you see it as a failure and nothing more. Why don't you trying figuring out what made you fail in the first place and try to make it to where you won't make that failure again? Seriously. I've almost SUCCESSFULLY committed suicide because of the same mentality that you're having right now. I was freaking failing AT LIFE not a freaking game.
Friday, 09-Aug-13 02:27:45 UTC from web -
@sprite Then why the Hell do you keep doubting yourself? Explain that.
Friday, 09-Aug-13 02:28:58 UTC from web -
@sprite I'm done trying to convince you. You in fact ARE blind.
Friday, 09-Aug-13 02:29:33 UTC from web -
Friday, 09-Aug-13 02:30:46 UTC from web -
@sprite I'm sorry did you just get mad at her for deciding that you can't be helped until you help yourself?
Friday, 09-Aug-13 02:31:39 UTC from web -
@sprite You won't even bother to help yourself. So why the Hell am I going to continue trying to help you.
Friday, 09-Aug-13 02:31:55 UTC from web-
@huggablysoft Stop. You're harassing him about it at this point.
Friday, 09-Aug-13 02:33:07 UTC from web-
@redenchilada FrankerZ.
Friday, 09-Aug-13 02:35:18 UTC from web