

  1. Something definitely wrong with me, can't even work up the drive to plug my tablet in when I go to draw things. At least it came out OK considering. No real motivation whatsoever to even do the university summer project I'm supposed to be doing, not even enough to watch videos on the internet.

    Monday, 12-Aug-13 00:17:32 UTC from web
    1. @scoot Join the club, man.

      Monday, 12-Aug-13 00:19:04 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    2. @scoot Going through the same thing myself, I have one particular project that I'm being pressured to keep doing. I take my mind off of it by doing other things, but it seems you can't even do that. That picture looked fine to me, though,

      Monday, 12-Aug-13 00:23:23 UTC from web
      1. @zeldatra I WAS taking my mind off my summer project by doing other things, but then I lost all interest in doing much of anything at all

        Monday, 12-Aug-13 00:28:45 UTC from web
        1. @scoot Except drawing on MSPaint apparently

          Monday, 12-Aug-13 00:29:00 UTC from web
          1. @scoot Which could be because it's limited and useless, so it's more interesting to create in

            Monday, 12-Aug-13 00:29:47 UTC from web
    3. @justsomeloser "Know your meme" yeah like I'm gonna click on that

      Monday, 12-Aug-13 00:33:46 UTC from web