

  1. I think someone should make a video game. A perfectly normal game, any genre. A solid plot, fun mechanics, a solid and entertaining game. And everyone except the main protagonist is Quentin Tarantino. All the NPCs, men, women, and children. Good guys, bad guys, final boss - all of them Quentin Tarantino. Even the animals. Dog Quentin Tarantino, cat Quentin Tarantino, even Quentin Tarantino the Man in the Moon. No reason why. No even acknowledging it. Just an entire world of Quentin Tarantino and You. !vgp

    Monday, 19-Aug-13 16:55:35 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    1. @scribus Who is Quentin Tarantino?

      Tuesday, 20-Aug-13 02:26:20 UTC from web
      1. @lunanut Everybody. Everybody but the player character.

        Tuesday, 20-Aug-13 02:27:08 UTC from web
        1. @scribus But like what would Quentin Tarantino's ingame counterpart be?

          Tuesday, 20-Aug-13 02:28:19 UTC from web
        2. @scribus If it was engaging and had tons of witty dialogue. I'd play it four times.

          Tuesday, 20-Aug-13 02:28:23 UTC from web
    2. @scribus it seems like something would get a quick laugh from but wouldn't play much

      Tuesday, 20-Aug-13 02:27:50 UTC from web