

  1. everyone wants rid of scoot network

    Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:15:49 UTC from web
    1. @scoot except Dane

      Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:16:11 UTC from web
      1. @yodelerty Dane is wonderful

        Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:16:49 UTC from web
        1. @scoot what no

          Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:17:17 UTC from web
          1. @yodelerty what yes

            Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:17:45 UTC from web
            1. @scoot how dare you

              Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:18:30 UTC from web
              1. @yodelerty sorry for the truth

                Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:19:16 UTC from web
                1. @scoot I see only lies

                  Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:20:13 UTC from web
                  1. @yodelerty Put your truth-specs on, cuz you're clearly not looking hard enough

                    Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:21:04 UTC from web
                    1. @scoot I'm truthing as hard as I can

                      Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:22:20 UTC from web
                      1. @yodelerty Not hard enough

                        Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:22:44 UTC from web
                        1. @scoot There is no harder

                          Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:23:17 UTC from web
                          1. @yodelerty You're just not trying cuz you don't want to believe

                            Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:23:58 UTC from web
                            1. @scoot 'cause it's not true yo

                              Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:25:06 UTC from web
                              1. @yodelerty It is omg

                                Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:25:57 UTC from web
                                1. @scoot incorrect

                                  Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:27:24 UTC from web
                                  1. @yodelerty confirmed for true

                                    Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:27:44 UTC from web
                                    1. @scoot how

                                      Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:28:05 UTC from web
                                      1. @yodelerty maths and also science

                                        Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:28:22 UTC from web
                                        1. @scoot you're wrong

                                          Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:29:46 UTC from web
                                          1. @yodelerty maths version: super + cool = dane, science version: super + cool -> dane. It all adds up.

                                            Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:30:22 UTC from web
                                            1. @scoot I think you've made a miscalculation there

                                              Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:31:55 UTC from web
                                              1. @yodelerty Naw top scientists have confirmed it

                                                Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:34:17 UTC from web
                                                1. @scoot like you

                                                  Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:34:42 UTC from web
                                                  1. @yodelerty and Stephen Hawking

                                                    Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:35:11 UTC from web
                                                    1. @scoot Stephen Hawking doesn't know me

                                                      Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:35:37 UTC from web
                                                      1. @yodelerty Thats what you think

                                                        Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:36:43 UTC from web
                                                        1. @scoot does he spy on me

                                                          Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:38:46 UTC from web
    2. @scoot I'd scoot

      Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:16:28 UTC from web
      1. @fuzzypony I'm the only one here who scoots

        Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:16:59 UTC from web
        1. @scoot I'd scoodaddle

          Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:18:23 UTC from web
          1. @fuzzypony that's a totally different sport

            Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:18:56 UTC from web
            1. @scoot scooting is a sport?

              Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:19:31 UTC from web
              1. @fuzzypony Of course

                Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:19:42 UTC from web
                1. @scoot I hope you win platinum

                  Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:20:28 UTC from web
                  1. @fuzzypony I've never lost

                    Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:20:42 UTC from web
                    1. @scoot Wow are you the captain of the scooting team?

                      Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:21:36 UTC from web
                      1. @fuzzypony Well all my accounts on everything outside RDN is "CptScoot" so yea

                        Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:22:04 UTC from web
                        1. @scoot Hahaha, I guess you're the champ

                          Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:22:53 UTC from web
                          1. @fuzzypony I AM

                            Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:23:42 UTC from web
                            1. @scoot CONGRATS

                              Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:24:26 UTC from web
                              1. @fuzzypony WOW THANK YOU

                                Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:24:36 UTC from web
                                1. @scoot always

                                  Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:25:36 UTC from web
    3. @scoot But who would take my never-ending abuse?!

      Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:17:07 UTC from web
      1. @komaeda Direct it towards your enemies, like @mastertdi

        Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:17:24 UTC from web
        1. @scoot But I like him

          Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:18:03 UTC from web
          1. @komaeda :)

            Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:18:25 UTC from web
            1. @mastertdi ;)

              Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:18:53 UTC from web
              1. @komaeda :o

                Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:19:33 UTC from web
                1. @mastertdi ;)

                  Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:20:16 UTC from web
                  1. @komaeda :(

                    Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:20:48 UTC from web
                    1. @mastertdi :(?

                      Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:21:06 UTC from web
                      1. @komaeda Scary

                        Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:21:22 UTC from web
          2. @komaeda :0

            Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:18:38 UTC from web
        2. @scoot :(

          Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:18:19 UTC from web