

  1. I wonder what living in Canterlot must be like. Certainly there's the upper class districts, but that can't be all that it consists of, right?

    Monday, 02-Sep-13 12:20:16 UTC from web
    1. @coffeecream the Stratification of equestrian society is really still obscure. It looks like some sort of socialist benevolent dictatorship, but there is is obviously different classes as seen in canterlot itself

      Monday, 02-Sep-13 12:23:22 UTC from web
    2. @coffeecream I like to pretend that Twilight and her filthy-ass rich family lived in "Upper Canterlot". Lower Canterlot contains slums and crime and all that.

      Monday, 02-Sep-13 12:23:27 UTC from web
    3. @coffeecream It's probably a lot like most other seats of government: Rich in the middle, poor on the outside. I like to imagine the poorest community in Canterlot live on a rickety wooden structure hanging from the bottom of the city, making their living on the stuff that falls from above.

      Monday, 02-Sep-13 12:24:20 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @ceruleanspark well that's taking underclass to an extreme level but is appropriate for cartoon ponies

        Monday, 02-Sep-13 12:25:49 UTC from web
        1. @vcgriffin Well, their upper class looks like something out of a communist propaganda film anyway

          Monday, 02-Sep-13 12:27:21 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      2. @ceruleanspark I'm already picturing the songs about the ghettos of Canterlot.

        Monday, 02-Sep-13 12:26:50 UTC from web
    4. @coffeecream Well, there's also a castle.

      Monday, 02-Sep-13 12:25:25 UTC from web
    5. @coffeecream It's either like Edinburgh or London. Completely horrid.

      Monday, 02-Sep-13 12:25:59 UTC from web