

  1. Yeah no mom feel free to sleep and not pick me up that's cool

    Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 15:55:17 UTC from web
    1. @rarity What happened to your scooter?

      Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 16:07:51 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @foxgopher it decided it doesn't want to scoot anymore. And I can't figure out why

        Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 16:10:03 UTC from web
        1. @rarity Get a car! Or a truck!

          Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 16:10:35 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          1. @foxgopher as soon as I can get a decent chunk of money saved, sure. I work ten hours a week at minimum wage, do the math

            Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 16:12:59 UTC from web
            1. @rarity Oh see ten hours is no good. I work like 24 and I'm barely making car payments

              Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 16:14:26 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              1. @foxgopher well, until they decide to give me more, there's not much I can do

                Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 16:16:46 UTC from web
                1. @rarity You're at the radio station still?

                  Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 16:17:37 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  1. @foxgopher yup. It's an excellent job, too. Just doesn't pay

                    Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 16:23:14 UTC from web
                    1. @rarity Yah that's life

                      Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 16:25:13 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                      1. @foxgopher at least I don't have bills for now

                        Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 16:28:55 UTC from web
                        1. @rarity True. Bills are overrated.

                          Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 16:31:13 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                          1. @foxgopher I pay my mom's WoW subscription, does that count as a bill

                            Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 16:33:51 UTC from web
                            1. @rarity I guess?

                              Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 16:35:15 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              2. @foxgopher Try 40.

                Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 16:26:34 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                1. @ceruleanspark I still wont worship Trixie. :D

                  Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 16:29:45 UTC from web
                  1. @circuithooves Let it go dude

                    Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 16:31:16 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                    1. @yodelerty I just like to start stuff sometimes

                      Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 16:32:21 UTC from web
                      1. @circuithooves with the owner of the site?

                        Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 16:32:56 UTC from web
                        1. @rarity @circuithooves If you treat them special it runs the risk of alienating them. I'll rib anypony (without being obnoxious) as long as i know they're the type to take ribbing.

                          Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 16:35:35 UTC from web
                      2. @circuithooves Look, no one dislikes Trixie more than me but trying to start a fight with the head of the site is a stupid idea.

                        Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 16:38:57 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                  2. @circuithooves leave now

                    Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 16:32:00 UTC from web
                    1. @rarity NO! I have a right to say what for!

                      Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 16:34:33 UTC from web
                2. @ceruleanspark I usually worked like 32, but school takes my other day.

                  Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 16:30:48 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        2. @rarity needs more horsechicken power

          Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 16:15:12 UTC from web
          1. @pony that was like the worst half formed Scootaloo joke.

            Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 16:17:20 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            1. @foxgopher xDD

              Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 16:18:41 UTC from web
            2. @foxgopher bad jokes are one of the many wonderful things I do.

              Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 16:19:13 UTC from web
              1. @pony Oh I know it

                Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 16:19:29 UTC from MuSTArDroid