

  1. well I have my exit interview in 3 hours and my boss is giving it one more go to get me to stay on before then. I'm a sad pony right now

    Thursday, 11-Aug-11 18:52:03 UTC from web
    1. @sugar /:B

      Thursday, 11-Aug-11 18:53:06 UTC from StatusNet Android
      1. @kingcarcinopony I'll never get tired of the nubby horns.

        Thursday, 11-Aug-11 18:54:11 UTC from web
        1. @queenterezi don't make fun of my horns.

          Thursday, 11-Aug-11 18:55:06 UTC from StatusNet Android
          1. @kingcarcinopony Implying it was an insult.

            Thursday, 11-Aug-11 18:55:36 UTC from web
            1. @queenterezi I am very defensive of my horns.

              Thursday, 11-Aug-11 18:56:11 UTC from StatusNet Android
              1. @kingcarcinopony And your blood.

                Thursday, 11-Aug-11 18:57:32 UTC from web
                1. @queenterezi don't you dare mention it. Especially around Vriska.

                  Thursday, 11-Aug-11 18:58:59 UTC from StatusNet Android
                  1. @kingcarcinopony Pfshhh. It's not like I'm a bluh bluh huge mangoes.

                    Thursday, 11-Aug-11 18:59:42 UTC from web
                    1. @queenterezi that's true. You're a... bluh Bluh Bluh..... awesome chick?

                      Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:00:53 UTC from StatusNet Android
                      1. @kingcarcinopony Good enough.

                        Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:01:55 UTC from web
                        1. @queenterezi I'm trying my best haha. Time to make pasta.

                          Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:04:20 UTC from StatusNet Android
                          1. @kingcarcinopony Whee! I heard thunder and it smells like rain outside. We need rain so bad <3

                            Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:06:06 UTC from web
                            1. @queenterezi We just got rid of our storm a while back. Glad to be rid of it.

                              Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:07:24 UTC from web
                            2. @queenterezi I would love some rain, preferably this Friday, when I go spectre hunting

                              Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:09:48 UTC from StatusNet Android
                              1. @kingcarcinopony We need it to rain for like two days straight.

                                Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:10:16 UTC from web
                                1. @queenterezi yeah, sun is nice but the heat kills me.

                                  Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:13:39 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                  1. @kingcarcinopony Sprinkling nowwwww. I can't believe I'm so excited about rain. DAMN YOU, TEXASSS

                                    Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:14:49 UTC from web
                                    1. @queenterezi I don't know if I mentioned it, but I've family in Texas.

                                      Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:16:03 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                      1. @kingcarcinopony No, you haven't. What part of Texas? Maybe you could visit and ditch 'em for me --

                                        Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:17:45 UTC from web
                                        1. @queenterezi if only. Austin.

                                          Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:18:21 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                          1. @kingcarcinopony Damn, that's pretty far away. I'm an hour north of Dallas. :/

                                            Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:19:38 UTC from web
                                            1. @queenterezi I don't remember Texas that well, I visited when I was 3 and I barely remember last week haha

                                              Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:20:37 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                              1. @kingcarcinopony Well, Dallas is in North Texas, and Austin is in almost-South Texas.

                                                Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:23:17 UTC from web
                                                1. @queenterezi ):B damnit

                                                  Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:24:19 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                  1. @kingcarcinopony Yeah. D:

                                                    Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:25:46 UTC from web
                                                    1. @queenterezi don't worry, when you and MAC nice out here and live with me and Zark, big adventure

                                                      Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:30:00 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                      1. @kingcarcinopony Logically speaking though if a brony did try to meet up with me I'd probably just flail around and hide.

                                                        Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:32:02 UTC from web
                                                        1. @queenterezi that would probably add to your adorable factor. Not the best plan

                                                          Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:38:01 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                          1. @kingcarcinopony It would also add to my socially awkward factor. And I'm much less adorable in real life.

                                                            Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:38:55 UTC from web
                                                            1. @queenterezi you say that, but I've a mental imprint of you from our interactions. Soooooooooooo no matter what you say or do, you're this fun little person to me

                                                              Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:42:48 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                              1. @kingcarcinopony Hehe, okay.

                                                                Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:43:55 UTC from web
                                                                1. @queenterezi basically. I wub you <3

                                                                  Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:46:56 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                                  1. @kingcarcinopony I wub you too <3

                                                                    Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:47:47 UTC from web
                                                                    1. @queenterezi whats on the agenda today?

                                                                      Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:49:36 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                                      1. @kingcarcinopony Um...nothing? I dunno, it's summer. Oh! Dreading tomorrow. That's what's on the agenda.

                                                                        Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:50:30 UTC from web
                                                                        1. @queenterezi summer means gettin out of the house dude! What's wrong with tomorrow?

                                                                          Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:53:10 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                                          1. @kingcarcinopony I have to go to my dad's.

                                                                            Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:54:17 UTC from web
                                                                            1. @queenterezi you don't like It there yeah? ):B I wish I could help in a way.

                                                                              Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:55:11 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                                              1. @kingcarcinopony Meh, I'll just have to deal with it I guess. Also this is what happens when my sort-of-girlfriend-person-thing asks me to help with themes for her site:

                                                                                Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:58:49 UTC from web
                                                                                1. @queenterezi lol wut. Are you in like, relationship limbo?

                                                                                  Thursday, 11-Aug-11 20:01:00 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                                                  1. @kingcarcinopony Yes.

                                                                                    Thursday, 11-Aug-11 20:01:21 UTC from web
                                                                                    1. @queenterezi been there. Was there since freshman year until recently actually.

                                                                                      Thursday, 11-Aug-11 20:02:06 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                                                      1. @kingcarcinopony I'm not really sure when I won't be there, it's all very weird and complicated.

                                                                                        Thursday, 11-Aug-11 20:03:29 UTC from web
                                                                                        1. @queenterezi yep. For mine it ended on a "wtf she's dating that bro? Why is she so damn flirty then?" And then I moved on.

                                                                                          Thursday, 11-Aug-11 20:05:46 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                                                          1. @kingcarcinopony We're not really like that, so I'll just be flailing in limbo.

                                                                                            Thursday, 11-Aug-11 20:10:14 UTC from web
                                                                                            1. @queenterezi is the limbo caused by you, her, or mutual?

                                                                                              Thursday, 11-Aug-11 20:14:05 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                                                              1. @kingcarcinopony Uh, her technically, but I'm pretty sure I'm part of the reason it started.

                                                                                                Thursday, 11-Aug-11 20:16:07 UTC from web
                                                                                                1. @queenterezi I don't think you'd want to get too personal, especially with someone you rarely know, but I hope it all works out for you.

                                                                                                  Thursday, 11-Aug-11 20:18:20 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                                                                  1. @kingcarcinopony Thanks. <3

                                                                                                    Thursday, 11-Aug-11 20:22:28 UTC from web
                                                                                                    1. @queenterezi sorry, I was on the phone. We should talk of happier things.

                                                                                                      Thursday, 11-Aug-11 20:29:46 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                                                                      1. @kingcarcinopony Like ponies?!

                                                                                                        Thursday, 11-Aug-11 20:31:48 UTC from web
                                                                                                        1. @queenterezi indeed. We will speak of many ponies!

                                                                                                          Thursday, 11-Aug-11 20:33:11 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                                                                          1. @kingcarcinopony I enjoy the ones that aren't alicorns! Talking about OCs of course.

                                                                                                            Thursday, 11-Aug-11 20:34:26 UTC from web
                                                                                                            1. @queenterezi I haven't seen an alicorn oc. But that's epic Mary sue.

                                                                                                              Thursday, 11-Aug-11 20:36:07 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                                                                              1. @kingcarcinopony They have a group.

                                                                                                                Thursday, 11-Aug-11 20:37:43 UTC from web
                                                                                                                1. @queenterezi *shakes head dismissively* ill just stick to making sprites. Not even original sprites either.

                                                                                                                  Thursday, 11-Aug-11 20:39:35 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                                                                            2. @queenterezi Didn't you and... someone, I lost track, have an alicorn OC kid in the RP?

                                                                                                              Thursday, 11-Aug-11 20:37:12 UTC from web
                                                                                                              1. @thelastgherkin But that's differentttt. It's actually logical and it's just for RP. And it was @darkcore.

                                                                                                                Thursday, 11-Aug-11 20:40:28 UTC from web
                                                                                                                1. @queenterezi Oh yeah, that guy. Define "logical"?

                                                                                                                  Thursday, 11-Aug-11 20:42:48 UTC from web
                                                                                                                  1. @thelastgherkin Okay well really nothing about the RP is logical but she /is/ Luna's daughter.

                                                                                                                    Thursday, 11-Aug-11 20:46:13 UTC from web
                                                                                                                    1. @queenterezi This is true!

                                                                                                                      Thursday, 11-Aug-11 20:48:40 UTC from web
                                                2. @queenterezi Are we talking about Texas now?

                                                  Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:25:37 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      2. @kingcarcinopony yeah it's not goot. We'll see what happens though.

        Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:00:28 UTC from web
        1. @sugar best of luck.

          Thursday, 11-Aug-11 19:01:34 UTC from StatusNet Android