

  1. Halloween was yesterday why the kiwi are these kids still trick-or-treating

    Saturday, 02-Nov-13 00:14:44 UTC from web
    1. @redenchilada By 2014 Halloween will just be a whole week.

      Saturday, 02-Nov-13 00:15:57 UTC from web
      1. @mrmattimation Hallo...week?

        Saturday, 02-Nov-13 00:17:05 UTC from web
    2. @redenchilada Who cares FrankerZ, I just go out there for the candy and believe it or not I got 6 pounds o' candy. No joke I weighed it

      Saturday, 02-Nov-13 00:16:03 UTC from web
      1. @steampunkyspitfire These kids are stealing my Tootsie Rolls >:(

        Saturday, 02-Nov-13 00:16:29 UTC from web
        1. @redenchilada Aww reden! That stinks :c

          Saturday, 02-Nov-13 00:17:28 UTC from web
        2. @redenchilada Throw water balloons at them

          Saturday, 02-Nov-13 00:17:59 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos I really wish I had, like, some tiny lemons I could give them instead of actual candy.

            Saturday, 02-Nov-13 00:19:16 UTC from web
            1. @redenchilada If you had lemons just put a grenade in them.. boom portal 2 ref. Combustable Lemon

              Saturday, 02-Nov-13 00:20:41 UTC from web
              1. @steampunkyspitfire I wanna spite the kids, not blow them up. :(

                Saturday, 02-Nov-13 00:21:10 UTC from web
                1. @redenchilada hahahah dude its just a joke :p

                  Saturday, 02-Nov-13 00:22:05 UTC from web
            2. @redenchilada Do you know what a quinoto is?

              Saturday, 02-Nov-13 00:20:58 UTC from web
              1. @nerthos Nope. avi

                Saturday, 02-Nov-13 00:21:46 UTC from web
              2. @nerthos The spanish word in my name is the only one I know, sorry.

                Saturday, 02-Nov-13 00:21:57 UTC from web
                1. @redenchilada They're this citric fruit, candy-small. When you eat them whole the outside of the fruit compensates the extreme sour and acidic flavour of the juice, but you have to know that to eat them properly. Many people will grab them, remove the peel and eat the inside and be greeted by something stronger than a lemon.

                  Saturday, 02-Nov-13 00:25:03 UTC from web
                  1. @nerthos I know what I'm passing out next year.

                    Saturday, 02-Nov-13 00:27:44 UTC from web
                    1. @redenchilada Wrap them in flashy paper for added effect.

                      Saturday, 02-Nov-13 00:28:56 UTC from web