

  1. #

    Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 22:07:05 UTC from web
    1. @thelastgherkin # indeed.

      Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 22:07:46 UTC from web
    2. @thelastgherkin equines of minature proportions

      Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 22:13:32 UTC from Choqok
      1. @broniebrown Miniature equines of mine possession.

        Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 22:16:22 UTC from web
        1. @thelastgherkin Are you going to steal mine? ;_; ....... ;)

          Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 22:26:27 UTC from Choqok
          1. @broniebrown Nah, I already stole your Mr Breezy/fan puns. I think that's enough stealing for one day.

            Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 22:28:17 UTC from web
            1. @thelastgherkin You stole my pun? (inb4 Spitty Pie)

              Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 22:33:33 UTC from Choqok
              1. @broniebrown Sort of...

                Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 22:38:31 UTC from web
                1. @thelastgherkin Aaaaaaah! I have missed that notice :D

                  Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 22:42:14 UTC from Choqok