Notices by Jeremy (currykatsu), page 3

  1. !socalbronies !labronies hey all, I updated the thread about the museum meetup that I was planning, basically that if you'd like to come, you have to buy a ticket, as I guess this exhibit is a special event. Tickets are 22 bucks, unless your 17 and under, in which case its "free" although you still have to pay a $2 processing fee. I guess you have to specify the specific date and time when you buy online, so please pick Sun, Aug 21, for 2 PM. I would like to meetup at 12 noon so we can grab lunch first, 2 hrs should be plenty of time to grad something to eat before going into the exhibit. More details here: you may RSVP if you like. Hope y'all bronies can make it, should be lots of fun =)

    Monday, 15-Aug-11 21:12:29 UTC from web
  2. @somoking you can also add your RSVP here if you'd like

    Monday, 15-Aug-11 21:05:49 UTC from web in context
  3. @somoking It looks like for under 17 you still have to reserve a specific date and time, also looks like even though the admission is "free" there is still some kind of $2 processing free, so yeah, I think you still have to register for a specific date and time. Thanks for reminding me, I'll put out a post about it. I am going to say pick Sun July 21st, for 2 PM as your date and time.

    Monday, 15-Aug-11 20:57:35 UTC from web in context
  4. !labronies !socalbronies hey again, everypony- so I just put up the details for the museum meetup that @Slapdash and I would like to have on the 21st of August. If you'd like to come, you're welcome to join us, its going to be a pretty casual gathering.

    Sunday, 14-Aug-11 20:37:46 UTC from web in context
  5. @somoking its at LA county museum of art, in west la

    Sunday, 14-Aug-11 10:51:02 UTC from web in context
  6. !labronies !socalbronies Hey everypony. So, sry this is a bit short notice, but @Slapdash and I were wondering if anypony was interested in meeting up on the 21st of August. She's headed back to the east coast pretty soon for her last year of school, but before leaving, really wanted to check out the Tim Burton exhibit down at the Los Angles County Museum of Art. She asked me to ask around to see if there is any interest. I was thinking perhaps meeting for lunch before hand and then going go see the exhibit. If anypony is interested, please let me know, also what time works best for you.

    Sunday, 14-Aug-11 07:17:50 UTC from web in context
  7. I was just thinking about this the other day: What if, in a case of supreme (but also hilarious) irony, in season 2 it is revealed that Scootaloo is actually Spitfire or Soarin's little sister... yes, that is extremely far-fetched, but just puttin' it out there.

    Sunday, 14-Aug-11 01:26:07 UTC from web in context
  8. @miloth thanks!

    Wednesday, 10-Aug-11 23:09:42 UTC from web in context
  9. @mrn4rmn4rm thanks!

    Wednesday, 10-Aug-11 23:09:34 UTC from web in context
  10. Woohoo! It's mah birthday today, so I'm gonna party it up like Pinkie Pie!

    Wednesday, 10-Aug-11 23:00:35 UTC from web in context
  11. @beatlepony @jimbo @slapdash @koneko @crimsonvalor @crayolabrony !labronies !socalbronies hey everypony, looks like I also can't make it on the 6th, I have a pending family obligation for that day. Hopefully I can make it down to one of these OC ones, one of these days.

    Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 06:31:38 UTC from web in context
  12. !socalbronies !labronies so I think I kinda am a step closer to trying to make a pony version of more boardgames- today I went out and found some old boardgames at a thrift store- a copy of Clue, and a copy of Stratego. It doesn't matter if some of the pieces are missing, I mainly just need a gameboard and maybe some random things like dice, and some of the other pieces, since I'd be making new graphics of stuff anyway. I wonder how this is going to turn out... anyways, anypony who's intersted in collaborating, shoot me an email at I'm also on gchat with that email, so feel free to add me, I'm on all the time, i you wanna IM about brony stuff lol!

    Friday, 29-Jul-11 05:57:35 UTC from web
  13. I kinda wish RDN had a real-time IM/chat feature integrated into it.

    Friday, 29-Jul-11 04:23:09 UTC from web
  14. @jimbo @slapdash @koneko @crimsonvalor @beatlepony @crayolabrony !labronies !socalbronies whoops, should correct my typo. meant *don't think I can make it on the 3rd. the 6th is still up in the air for me.

    Friday, 29-Jul-11 03:39:09 UTC from web in context
  15. !socalbronies !labronies hey, anypony wanna chat on any IM?

    Friday, 29-Jul-11 03:16:31 UTC from web
  16. @jimbo @slapdash @koneko @crimsonvalor @beatlepony @crayolabrony !labronies !socalbronies Hey everypony! dun think I can make it down to Irvine for the 3rd Aug. maybe can possibly come for the 6th I will have to see what I am doing that day.

    Friday, 29-Jul-11 03:12:52 UTC from web in context
  17. @crimsonvalor XD I got a brony shirt at anime expo. It must have been popular because it sold out at least 3 days out of the 4 days of the expo.

    Sunday, 24-Jul-11 09:48:43 UTC from web in context
  18. @princessderpyhooves hello! hows it goin? thanks for likin my idea =)

    Sunday, 24-Jul-11 09:41:50 UTC from web
  19. @somoking hey brony! Actually one of the ideas I had was making an brony/pony themed version of clue. My idea was that it was clue that happens possibly during the gala, or some other party in Canterlot castle. Instead of somepony getting killed, maybe somepony (maybe Luna?) just got incapacitated (lol that's why she wasn't at the gala?) and you have to find out which of the mane 6 is at fault for it (nopony wants to admit that they made Luna miss the party lol.) I want to guage interest to see if any of the socal bronies would be interested in making something like that

    Sunday, 24-Jul-11 09:24:15 UTC from web in context
  20. !socalbronies !labronies hey everypony. So, the other day I posted about wanting to maybe get together to make more brony-themed versions of boardgames? I was wondering who would actually like to? I suppose I'll ask at the local meetup this weekend, but just posing the question for you all local ponies who aren't making it to the little get together as well. That would be so cool if we could put something together as a local group =)

    Friday, 22-Jul-11 10:54:30 UTC from web
  21. @somoking ah cool. Nice to meet another SoCal brony as well. Actually, we never really organized a group to actually make more brony board games, so far I've just thrown a couple ideas out there. I would definitely like to get a group of a people together to work on making some more brony themed board games =)

    Friday, 22-Jul-11 06:13:45 UTC from web in context
  22. ok, nvm, looks like my game lobby timed out =(

    Thursday, 21-Jul-11 06:55:41 UTC from web
  23. again, anypony want to play a game of Apples to Apples, online? click here if interested.

    Thursday, 21-Jul-11 06:53:40 UTC from web
  24. @johnatmc click the link, you play the game in your browser

    Thursday, 21-Jul-11 06:52:52 UTC from web in context
  25. @johnatmc each player is given their hand of cards, and the "chooser" rotates around automatically. It goes on for a specified number of rounds. Whoever has the most number of points at the end of all the rounds wins

    Thursday, 21-Jul-11 06:37:18 UTC from web in context
  26. @johnatmc its a board game where you take turns picking a catagory and each other player puts down cards that have a phrase or thing on them, and the person who's turn it is picks the card that they think most fits that catagory. Whosever card it was that got chosen gets a point

    Thursday, 21-Jul-11 06:27:12 UTC from web in context
  27. @thecupcakinator yeah! cleick here if you wanna play!

    Thursday, 21-Jul-11 06:26:01 UTC from web in context
  28. @nvrrmbr just click the link I already made a room, its just like the board game =)

    Thursday, 21-Jul-11 06:24:05 UTC from web in context
  29. if anypony is playing, click here:

    Thursday, 21-Jul-11 06:20:27 UTC from web
  30. hey, anypony wanna play an online game of apples to apples?

    Thursday, 21-Jul-11 06:19:58 UTC from web in context