Dont Know's home timeline


  1. Then My mom found out about the breakup over Care Bears and gave me the talk about what people like and dislike... I told her i Liked MLP and she said and i quote, "Your No son of mine." :/

    Monday, 08-Jul-13 22:34:06 UTC from web
  2. 3

    Monday, 08-Jul-13 22:30:26 UTC from web
    • I haven't XD'd in a long while.

      Monday, 08-Jul-13 22:18:45 UTC from web

      Monday, 08-Jul-13 22:19:29 UTC from web

      Monday, 08-Jul-13 22:23:22 UTC from web
    • Algaesian coastline plus all of those damn islands.

      Monday, 08-Jul-13 22:20:32 UTC from web
    • What is everyone's opinion on MLP FiM Blacklight Posters?

      Monday, 08-Jul-13 22:16:12 UTC from web
    • :D My theme song.

      Monday, 08-Jul-13 22:16:02 UTC from web
      • Oh... SUPER CUTE!!!!! :D

        Monday, 08-Jul-13 22:14:13 UTC from web
        • The first track of a pony # set I've started working on:

          Monday, 08-Jul-13 22:09:08 UTC from web
        • Okay i fixed teh problem with my game server. The server had teh phrase buildmap.color=(Derp) Instead of buildmap.color=(0.1) Guess i got a bit bored while doing teh game model colors.... :D

          Monday, 08-Jul-13 20:51:39 UTC from web
          • I just ran the code for the RP and started testing the first map... (Cloudsdale) And the fricken server blew up. The code ran and the walls changed locations... my OC turned briken purple ITS A F***** MESS!!!

            Monday, 08-Jul-13 20:41:29 UTC from web
          • DANG IT!!!!

            Monday, 08-Jul-13 20:38:58 UTC from web
            • @sprite Everyone got really into a debate about bringing back some users who were permabanned under the previous administration. I log the servers stats with a platform called New Relic so I can keep an eye on trends and stuff in process usage. All the graphs are showing noticeable spikes for the past hour that are tailing off now.

              Monday, 08-Jul-13 20:34:45 UTC from web
            • You'll see Freezy Pop! I'm stronger than an ant if an ant was THIS big!

              Monday, 08-Jul-13 20:25:14 UTC from web
            • Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing on Rainbows... :D That is all i hear right now.... :/

              Monday, 08-Jul-13 20:29:04 UTC from web
              • Just Bought the rights to a type of game coding that is for a original game im working on. It costs 300... Amazing really I have a programmer working for me called alclopsponies. Were working on a RP. (Dont Tell Hasbro.) :D Its gone fantastically... Im using some of the models from MLP:RiM and the code i bought off of a friend of mine. It will be high quality. I've worked on it after I watched the 9th episode of the first season I got the idea. I heard about so many others getting shutdown so im keeping it a secret. If you tell anyone at hasbro. I will track you down. And get you. >:( 3 months in. I will have the beta out in about another 4-5 1/2 Months.

                Monday, 08-Jul-13 20:00:10 UTC from web
                • @vt3c Well. I have aspergers and I'm judged so much by my friends but every time My IQ is taken I have the highest in my school. Then i end up doing their homework. ... :/ Trust me I have 600 Dollars atm.

                  Monday, 08-Jul-13 19:47:30 UTC from web
                • I'm also a lesby pony

                  Monday, 08-Jul-13 19:42:04 UTC from web
                • Or him....

                  Monday, 08-Jul-13 19:42:11 UTC from web
                  • @thelastgherkin If shes shy why dont we bring her out of her shell. :D

                    Monday, 08-Jul-13 19:42:00 UTC from web
                    • @darkstorm If you're replying to someone's post, use the reply button so it addresses them automatically and keeps the notices linked in context. It's the fourth button from the left, in the group of buttons in the corner of every post.

                      Monday, 08-Jul-13 19:40:43 UTC from web
                      • @rarity Thank you.

                        Monday, 08-Jul-13 19:39:47 UTC from web
                        • @flamingpandaomg What is SSBC?

                          Monday, 08-Jul-13 19:39:23 UTC from web
                        • Oh well its Derpy. If they remove her in season four im done.

                          Monday, 08-Jul-13 19:37:14 UTC from web
                        • SSCB? Whats that?

                          Monday, 08-Jul-13 19:38:42 UTC from web
                          • Is it odd I just joined the site and it asks my favorite pony?

                            Monday, 08-Jul-13 19:36:18 UTC from web