Emerged Dragon's home timeline



    Friday, 08-Aug-14 02:20:15 UTC from web
  2. everytime i say im back i end up leaving my b

    Friday, 08-Aug-14 00:42:50 UTC from web
    • okiw dokie im back

      Thursday, 07-Aug-14 23:27:11 UTC from web
    • rawr

      Thursday, 07-Aug-14 22:40:11 UTC from web
    • still working hard on the intro

      Thursday, 07-Aug-14 00:57:53 UTC from web
    • im baaaaaaaaaack BUT WHO CARES IF IM HERE ITS grapesING OUT ITS HERE ITS HERE ITS HERE http://rainbowdash.net/url/772450 #

      Wednesday, 06-Aug-14 23:06:47 UTC from web
    • welp kiddos i gotta hit the hay so nighty night see ya tomorrow

      Wednesday, 06-Aug-14 04:12:45 UTC from web
    • http://rainbowdash.net/url/772374 this song tho idk if #

      Wednesday, 06-Aug-14 03:57:49 UTC from web
      • @ellie wait wut

        Wednesday, 06-Aug-14 03:44:31 UTC from web
      • death to all Homestuck

        Wednesday, 06-Aug-14 03:37:47 UTC from web
      • someone make this video for me

        Wednesday, 06-Aug-14 03:03:27 UTC from web
      • People

        Wednesday, 06-Aug-14 03:03:24 UTC from web
      • blegh making videos is so much effort

        Wednesday, 06-Aug-14 03:00:43 UTC from web
        • yay back from shower

          Wednesday, 06-Aug-14 02:26:54 UTC from web
        • If you knew me in real life you'd hate me the moment you'd see me.

          Wednesday, 06-Aug-14 02:43:42 UTC from web
        • theres nothing i love more than easter eggs and im hiding so many in the opening for the show

          Wednesday, 06-Aug-14 02:37:39 UTC from web
        • okie dokie back form eating

          Wednesday, 06-Aug-14 01:13:42 UTC from web
        • http://rainbowdash.net/url/772354 i wanna cover this song so bad for the show #

          Wednesday, 06-Aug-14 00:47:30 UTC from web
          • =D http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/772342

            Tuesday, 05-Aug-14 23:51:34 UTC from web
          • http://rainbowdash.net/url/772339 oh my god i actually genuinly like a skrillex song

            Tuesday, 05-Aug-14 23:43:27 UTC from web
          • working so hard on the rebel rewind aka my school tv show

            Wednesday, 06-Aug-14 00:10:05 UTC from web
            • im hoooooooooooooooome

              Tuesday, 05-Aug-14 23:42:12 UTC from web
            • alrighty i just photshopped like 20 pictures for the intro so nighty night

              Tuesday, 05-Aug-14 04:52:34 UTC from web
            • Gonna head off

              Tuesday, 05-Aug-14 04:26:49 UTC from web
            • thisis gonna be such a hard intro to do

              Tuesday, 05-Aug-14 03:52:17 UTC from web
            • http://rainbowdash.net/url/772270 # bc im not for sure

              Tuesday, 05-Aug-14 03:40:59 UTC from web
              • @voxxxrebel did you finish that school video yet? I am confused and a friend wants to know.

                Tuesday, 05-Aug-14 03:09:06 UTC from web
              • woohoo the intro for the school tv show has been decided on. a southpark remake

                Tuesday, 05-Aug-14 03:14:24 UTC from web
                • if hell is real than im going to the dentist when i die

                  Tuesday, 05-Aug-14 02:38:54 UTC from web
                • *sways back and forth to pretty music*

                  Tuesday, 05-Aug-14 00:36:33 UTC from web