equestriacivildefense subscribers

These are the people who listen to equestriacivildefense's notices.

  • Kiah Papaya kiahpapaya Kiah Papaya Chicago http://i-ship-them-soo-hard.tumblr.com

    I'm Kiah, female brony, (I don't reallylike the word pegasister), spends most of my time on tumblr. I'm 15, and joined this fandom last fall, watching as many episodes as I could after school until finally I reached the end of season 3, sadly. I only just started going on brony sites and meeting others but everyone is so nice :D I love this fandom and how interactive it is

  • Petr Koutkovskiy petrothebrony Petr Koutkovskiy Greece

    I'm 13 and I like making videos for mlp (I made 4 so far:)

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    User ID
    Member since
    2 Oct 2013
    Daily average