Notices by Eurobeat Brony (eurobeatbrony), page 2

  1. WOW a lot of feedback. Uh... I'll keep responses short: Can't be on iTunes because I don't immediately own the copyrights (another reason why I *CAN'T REQUIRE* payment on Ponybeat in the first place), though my original works sure can be (and will be when I have time for them). Only pay for the album if you REALLY like Ponybeat and want to suppor it in a practical manner. It actually costs money for me to keep it free on Bandcamp (not so much on other services like Youtube or Mediafire)... so I'd say the idea of me scamming anyone is just kinda silly P:

    Monday, 10-Oct-11 17:48:04 UTC from web in context
  2. So I'm being accused of making Ponybeat some sort of money-making scam. Let me rephrase that: I'm being accused of trying to turn a FREE ALBUM, available on multiple venues (I haven't been so good about DeviantArt Flash uploads, confessedly), into a moneymaking scheme. Because as we all know, the REAL money's in putting out MLP albums and not charging for them. Now excuse me while I twist my beloved mustache as I plot MORE nefarious paradoxes.

    Monday, 10-Oct-11 17:19:14 UTC from web in context
  3. @tenmihara Indeedy, that'd be me (sometimes with help, depending on how my voice is doing...)

    Friday, 07-Oct-11 21:13:25 UTC from web in context
  4. DISCORD (EuroChaos Mix) : • (Full version) • (No-Vocals Mix)

    Friday, 07-Oct-11 04:58:25 UTC from web in context
  5. @miles You'll see, shortly~

    Friday, 07-Oct-11 03:59:16 UTC from web in context
  6. All that's left now is the video. Regarding album-cover art, SEND NOW OR FOREVER HOLD YOUR PEACE. (...and by "FOREVER" I mean, "until I ask for more on the next song.)

    Friday, 07-Oct-11 03:54:58 UTC from web in context
  7. Finishing Discord. Should have the upload tonight. I should warn you though... well, it's not "Luna", to put it that way.

    Friday, 07-Oct-11 03:37:31 UTC from web
  8. In short, here's the scoop with "Discord (EuroChaos) Mix". This week is a rough week for me school-wise, as it's the week before my Poli-Sci midterm and I haven't done as well in that class as I'd like. So, once the weekly quiz is done on Wednesday, I should have some time on Thursday (read: I NEED to finish it on Thursday if I want it finished this week). IF there's an episode this Saturday... chances are good I won't be remixing it until the end of the following week. You guys have always been awesome about my school schedule and I hope it's all worth it! (Believe me, "Discord" is gonna knock your socks off!)

    Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 18:02:33 UTC from web
  9. @tenmihara Well, once I hae more time to work on Discord (EuroChaos Mix), that'll be out VERY soon! @purplephish20 The one and only~!

    Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 17:43:02 UTC from web in context
  10. @princesstwilight You watchin' yer goat anime again son?

    Monday, 03-Oct-11 20:20:31 UTC from web in context
  11. I need a favor. Can anyone get one of Discord's laughs separated from the background music for me? PM me with a link if you have it.

    Friday, 30-Sep-11 04:44:11 UTC from web in context
  12. Managed to record half of the chorus for Discord today. Perhaps tomorrow after homework's done I can write/record the verses and prechorus...!

    Friday, 30-Sep-11 04:30:28 UTC from web
  13. @abigpony He means the Exalted Mix is better than the Eurobeat mix.

    Thursday, 29-Sep-11 05:54:32 UTC from web
  14. (continued) That said, you ARE a vital part of the show in her absence, so you DO deserve a great deal of praise for your contributions. You, like everyone else on the show, work very hard and it pays off! So, for things in which you have your hand, we thank you for that much!

    Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 19:42:28 UTC from web
  15. In response to Mr. Thiessen's post: That's fair. In my personal thanks to you last week, I didn't mean to suggest that you held the entire show on your hands. ...for lack of a better way to put it, you were the only one there I could thank for the show! If my comment seemed to suggest that you bore the weight of the show in whole on your shoulders, I wholeheartedly apologize.

    Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 19:40:45 UTC from web
  16. All that's left on Discord now is some minor tweaking, vocals, and mastering. That'll have to wait until about Friday at best, but... it's almost done~!

    Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 18:28:09 UTC from web in context
  17. "Luna" in MIDI format. Enjoy.

    Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 16:29:12 UTC from web
  18. "Luna" in MIDI format. Enjoy.

    Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 16:27:12 UTC from web
  19. Ohhhhh man this draft "Discord" is gonna be awesome you guys. Also a complete lack of commas.

    Monday, 26-Sep-11 22:10:12 UTC from web in context
  20. @abigpony IIRC, at the time the Roast itself aired, Sitch had just released a Rap album. That could be one such reason. (That and the obvious point that Sitch is annoying beyond all hell.)

    Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 03:35:46 UTC from web in context
  21. Actually I found Snoop Dogg unusually intellectual in his material for the Trump Roast. I mean, the obvious requisite weed jokes were made, but... he managed to pull some good punches.

    Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 03:27:59 UTC from web
  22. @abigpony Indeed. It was SUPER funny to see how Snoop Dogg seemed constantly revolted by him. Listen closely for a "don't touch me" in the Trump roast~!

    Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 03:25:25 UTC from web in context
  23. @abigpony And with any luck that's how it'll stay. I could understand his sense of humor (what little there was)? But you have to be || THIS brain to ride the Roast coaster and he just doesn't have it.

    Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 03:21:34 UTC from web in context
  24. @abigpony You were talking about the roast in your tweet to @ponyrookie, right? The Situation participated in at least one roast (Roast of Donald Trump), was he part of the Roast of Charlie Sheen as well? ...or did I miss the subject matter entirely?

    Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 03:10:35 UTC from web in context
  25. @abigpony Are you talking about the Roast of Trump? Or did they really have him back for Sheen as well?

    Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 03:07:22 UTC from web in context
  26. Long story short, a Discord theme/remix is unlikely to be done very soon after Saturday's episode. I've really gotta focus on getting my butt back in gear, school-wise.

    Monday, 19-Sep-11 23:59:46 UTC from web
  27. Ugh. Set my alarm for the wrong time... is the episode uploaded anywhere?

    Saturday, 17-Sep-11 13:52:30 UTC from web in context
  28. @lilytheamazingfaintingpony ...that's 6AM PST. And that's in 5 hours. CRAP

    Saturday, 17-Sep-11 08:34:05 UTC from web in context
  29. What time does the new episode start tomorrow?

    Saturday, 17-Sep-11 08:02:55 UTC from web in context
  30. When I awaken... 24 hours until I'm an even busier man.

    Friday, 16-Sep-11 08:13:37 UTC from web