Fulda, MN
Hi, I'm Firewing. I'm a black alecorn stallion with a flaming mane and tail. I am around 1200 years old, (as you should know, we alecorns are pretty much immortal)and have maintained the looks as though I am a young adult. Unfortunately, I have what I would deffinitely call a curse upon myself. I will not go into details about it, but the only ones who know about it are myself, and the rulers of our fair Equestria. This curse keeps me from staying to long in one place, and because of it, I have no friends. In fact unless you knew my tale, no one probably even knows I exist. Although my curse has kept me from pretty much any pony contact, it could not stop me, from falling in love, with one of royal stature. She doesn't not know it, but one day, I will tell her, my princess of the night...
More details...Andrew Busch (firewing)
I know I play the mlp game, but I have no friends on it.
Tuesday, 15-Oct-13 15:49:13 UTC from web -
So what's happening?
Tuesday, 15-Oct-13 15:23:26 UTC from web -
Okay haven't been on here in quite a while. I mean, Hi Everypony!
*brohoofs and hugs for all*
Monday, 26-Aug-13 01:45:52 UTC from web -
*brohugs for all*
Thursday, 15-Aug-13 23:41:04 UTC from web -
Wooohoooo, guitar time. ^_^
Monday, 12-Aug-13 17:23:38 UTC from web -
@pegasusjones Rainbow is second on my list. But she's very close to tieing with the character that my persona has a crush on, who would be my number one.
@pegasusjones Your welcome. When I got on here I put down the coruse to the second song in the CD I'm working on. Pretty obvious that the song is Rainbow Dash's.
@pegasusjones Oh wow, that is absolutely amazing. The shading the color, and you got me wanting to give AB a hug.
@pegasusjones Nice. Didn't know you could draw, that's an awesome art to have. ^^ If I tryed it would be stick ponies. lol
@pegasusjones Not much, just getting my voice prepared to sing. Mmmm, got to have my early morning tea. Tea always helps the vocal cords. How about you?
Sings "Flying faster no I don't want to touch the ground. No I don't want to come back down. I want to fly now."
What I meant to say is, Good night all. ^_^ *hugs and brohoofs for all*
Everything about what I just said seems wrong...
Friday, 09-Aug-13 02:51:44 UTC from web -
Well, I guess it's time for Firewing to find celestia before the sun goes down.
@pegasusjones Go magic of friendship.
And that's it, I've officially gone derpy...
@flamingpandaomg Mmmm, peanut butter
@pegasusjones *hugs back*
@huggablysoft *hugs again*
@pegasusjones No you don't, you were doing good. It's just that he didn't want to listen to any advice and wallo in his own self pitty. Your a very good person.
*shares popcorn with everyone else*
Friday, 09-Aug-13 02:38:17 UTC from web -
*continues to eat popcorn*
Friday, 09-Aug-13 02:37:01 UTC from web -
@huggablysoft *hugs*
Friday, 09-Aug-13 02:35:24 UTC from web -
*starts eating popcorn*
Friday, 09-Aug-13 02:30:17 UTC from web -
@yodelerty Mines currently sitting, sorry, going through my printer, crap...
@yodelerty And hopefully in a pocket, and no where else. lol
@huggablysoft Yay Results. ^_^
@huggablysoft And now we are the herd. ^_^
@yodelerty I can think of so many ways to make that sound bad... lol