flutterdashatheart groups

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  • I'm Promoting This promote I'm Promoting This

    THE place to be for the latest art, blogs, whatever. Or not.

  • Smile smile Smile

    Just smile. happy videos. happy pics. JUST SMILE

  • Doctor Whooves (and Derpy) doctorwhooves Doctor Whooves (and Derpy)

    A group dedicated to Doctor Whooves and Derpy - for all those who just can't imagine better companion for ponyfied Doctor!

  • Straight Bronies straightbronies Straight Bronies Here

    Are you only sexually attracted to the other gender? Are you proud on having the future of the species on your hands (or pants)? Well now there's a place for you. That place is here.


User ID
Member since
22 Mar 2012
Daily average