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!promote checkthisout selfpromotion submit
THE place to be for the latest art, blogs, whatever. Or not.
I'm Promoting This (promote) group
it's been a while since somepony promoted their groups.
Monday, 19-Mar-12 18:37:58 UTC from web-
@reallifefluttershy Its @scribbs :3
@reallifefluttershy Nothign to do with brony X3
@reallifefluttershy @cavatina I'm actually curious about this too. !lurkparty
So an RDN dating group would not be feasible because the mods wouldn't like it, but feel free to!submit that stuff to !promote. That is, if you want to...#fluttervoice
Thursday, 16-Feb-12 05:10:53 UTC from web-
@zimzap I know it's touchier since this this site is much more open to the younger crowd (due to its rules and such)... not because mods wouldn't like it.
@chiefanchor Your reason is why the mods wouldn't like it. I don't expect to get that stuff anyway.
Official foods of Restorantay RDN (that is it's name): !muffins !cider !pancakes !bacon !havesomejuice !haveacookie !caffiene correct me if I'm wrong. !promote this resturant!
Thursday, 16-Feb-12 02:56:07 UTC from web -
For absolutely no reason, I'm going to be the host of an RDN (DDN) election. Dash your vote, or PM somepony with the username of the pony you're voting for (or me). Anypony can be a candidate, and anypony can !promote your vote.
Wednesday, 15-Feb-12 01:36:19 UTC from web- abc likes this.
@scootnukem ... I drop out. #WEREDOOMED
@zimzap @eaglehooves for um.. Whatever the position name is! Muffins for everypony!
@greatandpowerfuleaglehooves *may or may not be redeemable for actual muffins. Your mileage may vary.
!promote I have playlists of singers I don't even listen to, and ponies.
Wednesday, 15-Feb-12 01:23:09 UTC from web -
I miss !hashtagabuse :(
Wednesday, 15-Feb-12 01:15:39 UTC from web-
@greatandpowerfuleaglehooves It's not the abuse, it's the spam that caused it. Spam is against the rules.
@zimzap Just don't spam promote it (lol xD) and you should be fine.
@minti I just need more things for it. Be prepared for several rounds of #selfpromotion #shamelessselfpromotion
OK, just clarifying, !solarempire is vote celestia, !newlunarrepublic is vote luna, !nmr is vote eternal night aka NMM, and, um, !everyponysings is vote music. In fact, if every group on RDN had a representitive or an acronym I could turn it into a political party. !ponitics !promote
Wednesday, 15-Feb-12 01:16:42 UTC from web-
@zimzap I've got all those too. I should hit up the print shop.
@greatandpowerfuleaglehooves Who are you going to vote for?
@zimzap Celestia.
!solarempire ftw! !promote
Wednesday, 15-Feb-12 01:05:59 UTC from web- Brad Paine Jr. repeated this.
@greatandpowerfuleaglehooves Mostly because Luna and Celestia are in good terms right now.
@nerthos that is why I am part of !newlunarrepublic and !solarempire
@nerthos Exactly! Luna's essentially part of the !solarempire.
Groups of mine: !promote, !papercraft, !under21, !princessanemi, !trekkieponies
Wednesday, 15-Feb-12 00:55:30 UTC from web-
@greatandpowerfuleaglehooves maybe you should make a !solarempire group. I would join. I join all groups even slightly related to me /)^3^(\
@zimzap Already working on it.
@zimzap You have more groups than you do subscribers and subscriptions combined ...
!checkthisout only for a week! !chatbronies
Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 05:27:44 UTC from web -
!promote Let's play the !# (group/tag) game! Give me a popular tag, and I will try to find a group for it. If I can't, you get to make that group (or just get a point)!
Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 04:52:10 UTC from web-
@greatandpowerfuleaglehooves My #hashtagabuse group got deleted :(
@zimzap That was you? XD
Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 02:16:07 UTC from web
@zimzap Not yet, but soon.....
!promote I'm awesome. This is worth promoting.
Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 02:03:23 UTC from web -
Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 02:02:52 UTC from web