Chess players (chess) group
there is literally never a good reason to present yourself as "vulnerable"
I feel bad, sometimes, when I don't just resign an obviously lost match, but I kind of enjoy the scrap for itself, you know? !chess
Wednesday, 20-Dec-17 01:42:42 UTC from web-
@scribus isnt the new chess logo like two people having sex?
!chess problem time! You play White. Black just moved Ne7, opening up Bxe7+, presumably followed by ...Kc8. I suspect he wants at some point to get ...Bxb5, but then I have Nxb5 to follow. I'm tempted to pull Nd5, forking his knights, but for what in the end? I suck at midgame. And openings. And endgame. And #chess.
Thursday, 30-Nov-17 02:19:41 UTC from web -
Tried to challenge this player to a !chess rematch, I can't because now I'm rated too low. :(
Monday, 13-Jun-16 04:15:49 UTC from web -
I'm just good enough at !chess to be worse than I would be if I were less good.
I had a dream that !chess included items like Smash Bros.
@scriba That WOULD spice it up
@nerthos I was like, "Since when was a turtle shell a piece? And how does it move?"
RDN's Lucifer likes this.
Thursday, 19-Mar-15 03:33:06 UTC from web
!chess Wow. It's good to be on the winning side of what must have been an alcohol-induced blunder for once. Panchromatic vs jlbesq - Online Chess
Sunday, 08-Mar-15 05:48:01 UTC from web -
I have no chance to survive.... I should make my time. :(
I should probably have directed that to the !chess group.
RDN's Lucifer likes this.
Oh, well. grapes me, then - Chesseract is already an established 4D !chess variant. Guess I'm late to the party.
I really ought to either remember (fat chance) or reset (more likely) my !chess password.
I have been making a lot of bonehead !chess mistakes lately and it's both confusing and upsetting me.
Man, I've been playing !chess like King Chump of the Dumbcherries Tribe lately.
Love/hate relationship with !chess knights.
!Chess 960: jlbesq vs ArcticMelter - There is absolutely no way I should have won that one.
I always enjoy beating one !chess opponent as both black and white.
Fork a guy's king, queen, and rook with your knight and they're all like ". . . ." (I'm really not sure what he's like; it's online) !chess
Gee, I sure do love joining a <1100 rated !chess tournament and playing against ~1400 rated opponents. #blatantlies
Don't drink and !chess.
Friday, 30-May-14 05:03:32 UTC from web-
@bluehedgehopped My beer can inflicts 2d12 damage on your FACE!!
RDN's Lucifer likes this. -
@dashalicious Drat, I lose again.... :(
@scribus Drink 1d6 cans before playing
Dreamt of a !chess set that used different rounds of ammunition for the pieces.
@thelastgherkin "Eat rook, m***********!"
@scribus "King me, murdock."
@thelastgherkin (that was the b-word)
This would be so much more impressive if I didn't fall ass-first into my victory. jlbesq vs pranavravella - Online !Chess
Monday, 24-Feb-14 21:53:52 UTC from web -
And some days I wonder, "When did I get so bad at !chess?" And then I remember . . . I was never really good at it.
Friday, 14-Feb-14 19:07:26 UTC from web -
Thursday, 13-Feb-14 22:00:00 UTC from web -
Not to say I'm a one-trick pony or anything, but I beat Jeannette0805 ( and HardRoc ( with pretty much the same combo. !chess
Tuesday, 11-Feb-14 18:29:53 UTC from web -
>Enrolled in a 1001-1200 ranked !chess tournament. >Opponent is ranked 1446. >Seems legit.
Wednesday, 05-Feb-14 17:57:48 UTC from web -
Upgraded my !chess app and it logged me out. Like I remember my own passwords... jeez.
Hello, this is me, realizing two moves into the game that my strategy was broken from the zeroth move. !chess
Sunday, 22-Dec-13 07:50:46 UTC from web -
'Bout damn time I won a !chess game again. Czeker vs jlbesq - Online Chess via @chesscom
Tuesday, 10-Dec-13 21:30:04 UTC from web -
Two victories in a row! My new personal best! Golitaker vs jlbesq - Online !Chess via @chesscom
Alright, too drunk for !chess. (But not really; just too drunk to play such that I end up winning)
Saturday, 09-Nov-13 07:28:38 UTC from web