Group actions
I don't even know any more.
People And/Or Ponies Who Prefer to Eat Instant Ramen Noodles Outside In the Winter With a Spoon While Doing a Handstand (eatrameninthecoldwhileupsidedown) group
!vgp !coderponies !equestriagaming !important !streamers !eatrameninthecoldwhileupsidedown !twitchfaces The Diamonde Kwest DLC is finished! Get it now!
Wednesday, 01-Apr-15 16:22:01 UTC from web -
honk :o)
Wednesday, 13-Nov-13 14:48:23 UTC from web -
Wednesday, 04-Sep-13 03:55:19 UTC from web
!eatrameninthecoldwhileupsidedown so when is our next eating?
Monday, 24-Jun-13 20:04:42 UTC from web -
!eatrameninthecoldwhileupsidedown this group has seven freaking members
Monday, 24-Jun-13 20:02:36 UTC from web-
@redenchilada yep
Monday, 24-Jun-13 19:55:58 UTC from web-
thepinkiepiex my troops are coming for you
@lunaisbestprincess ooh good I wanna know what led taste like
Sunday, 16-Jun-13 07:01:40 UTC from web
@randompony Well to put your group in a dash use ! In place of a # like this !eatrameninthecoldwhileupsidedown
Friday, 14-Jun-13 00:29:27 UTC from web-
@randompony That's only a tag
@randompony Did you make a group though
@randompony i have no idea D=, also i'm gonmna start a new game now...
Monday, 10-Jun-13 01:00:38 UTC from web
Sunday, 09-Jun-13 06:58:24 UTC from web-
Femboy sam sulek likes this.
@therainbowdashx Try searching for the group using the group search function.
@yodelerty found it for you @therainbowdashx
Wednesday, 05-Jun-13 05:33:52 UTC from web
I'm surprised !eatrameninthecoldwhileupsidedown hasn't already become the largest group on RDN. Come on, guys, surely more of you than that prefer to eat instant ramen noodles outside in the winter with a spoon while doing a handstand!
Monday, 29-Apr-13 17:07:11 UTC from web-
@mastertdi What about poor people, poor people like instant ramen too
@redenchilada Poor weeaboos. Poor in two senses.
"Ever wonder what Marth would be like as a girl?" "He wasn't before?" "He is now~"
Let's make a group for "people who prefer to eat their cheetos with dipping sauces"
Sunday, 21-Apr-13 22:04:20 UTC from web-
@redenchilada who eats ramen with a spoon
@nerthos Nobody uses groups for serious purposes any more so we might as well
@rarity people without other utensils