Group actions

Spiral Knights Players

Spiral Knights Players

!spiralknights sk

The Garrison, East Haven

The official-unofficial RDN group of people who may or may not spend way too much money on a free-to-play MMO. Ask a group admin for an invite to the Rainbow Dash Network guild if you're interested!

We have a guild recipe shop! Contact Toksyuryel if you'd like to make a purchase. Limit one of each recipe per member (the purpose of this is so you don't have to hunt them down yourself, NOT so you can make money reselling them).
Current stock: 2x Polaris (25k), 4x Avenger (10k), 2x Dark Thorn Blade (10k), 1x Dark Thorn Shield (10k), 2x Virulent Catalyzer (10k), 1x Kilowatt Pulsar (4k)

Spiral Knights Players (spiralknights) group, page 8


  1. !sk Whoops. My connection cut out in the lobby right as !anubins joined, sorry bout that.

    Thursday, 19-Jul-12 19:00:29 UTC from web
  2. !sk The circle maneuver is the best when you are being attacked by 10 ice wolves with 1 hp left.

    Thursday, 19-Jul-12 18:07:10 UTC from web
  3. Screw it; against my better judgement, I am going to buy an elevator pass. At the very least it'll help keep me away from Minecraft. !sk

    Thursday, 19-Jul-12 17:52:32 UTC from web
  4. !sk Let's see how Spiral Knights plays on my craptop

    Thursday, 19-Jul-12 17:30:48 UTC from web
  5. !sk I should point out for all the new players here that while the crowns-to-energy conversion rate might seem high, what is actually the case is that the crown payout from Tier 1 is quite low. A full tier 2 run will usually generate more crowns than you need to replace what you spent and then some. The price tends to reflect this fact, because most players never go back to tier 1 because of how much better the payout is in tier 2 (not to mention just how much more fun the game is there).

    Thursday, 19-Jul-12 17:20:22 UTC from web
  6. For the record, when I say my connection's going bad, _this_ is what I mean. !sk

    Thursday, 19-Jul-12 07:39:41 UTC from web
    • Oh hey, they brought the standard elevator pass back. I may have to buy one if I'm gonna start playing seriously again. !sk

      Thursday, 19-Jul-12 06:33:28 UTC from web
      • !sk Let's be more careful in the future. I didn't really emphasize it because I wanted you all to experience the different things in the game and see how challenging it can be, but we'll take fewer risks from now on and actually employ some strategy ☺

        Thursday, 19-Jul-12 05:54:12 UTC from web
      • !sk I feel kinda silly after blowing eight thousand crowns on energy so our party wouldn't lose at the last round of the arena on an arcade run, of all things. :x

        Thursday, 19-Jul-12 05:39:31 UTC from web
      • Oh, in case anyone new hits up the group: !sk My character name is Useless-Sidekick. Add me and stuff.

        Thursday, 19-Jul-12 03:22:34 UTC from web
        • Hey, look at this thing I did! !spiralknights

          Thursday, 19-Jul-12 03:02:03 UTC from web