Group actions

Spiral Knights Players

Spiral Knights Players

!spiralknights sk

The Garrison, East Haven

The official-unofficial RDN group of people who may or may not spend way too much money on a free-to-play MMO. Ask a group admin for an invite to the Rainbow Dash Network guild if you're interested!

We have a guild recipe shop! Contact Toksyuryel if you'd like to make a purchase. Limit one of each recipe per member (the purpose of this is so you don't have to hunt them down yourself, NOT so you can make money reselling them).
Current stock: 2x Polaris (25k), 4x Avenger (10k), 2x Dark Thorn Blade (10k), 1x Dark Thorn Shield (10k), 2x Virulent Catalyzer (10k), 1x Kilowatt Pulsar (4k)

Spiral Knights Players (spiralknights) group, page 7


  1. @widget Let's # @toksyuryel for his sweeping plot to distract all the mods at once by getting them to play !spiralknights so the public timeline will be left unattended! D:<

    Saturday, 21-Jul-12 06:12:30 UTC from web
  2. !sk P.S. these bits of HUD graphics always seem to glitch out on me for some reason :(

    Saturday, 21-Jul-12 06:09:44 UTC from web
    • @minti weren't we going to play !sk today? :P

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 02:42:20 UTC from web
    • Anypony up for some !spiralknights?

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 02:35:33 UTC from web
      • Success! Looks like I can clear these as long as I avoid being reckless or taking unnecessary risks. But if they throw fiends at me I'm probably screwed. !sk

        Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:19:51 UTC from web
        • Made it through level 2! One more to go. Lizards. !sk

          Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:07:03 UTC from web
          • Three menders at once on tier 3? That was just unfair XD !sk

            Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:05:12 UTC from web
            • Even though they are weak to shadow I find I much prefer fire for fighting slimes. It just seems to work better. !sk

              Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:01:48 UTC from web
              • Made it through the first level… next one is slimes. !sk

                Friday, 20-Jul-12 23:56:28 UTC from web
                • Only wolvers so far… not so bad… !sk

                  Friday, 20-Jul-12 23:50:00 UTC from web
                  • Oh good, Tier 3 missions have three floors instead of the usual two. Now I'm even more likely to die! !sk

                    Friday, 20-Jul-12 23:46:26 UTC from web
                    • Maybe I'll try soloing some Tier 3 missions… I really want to buy a Glacius recipe. Probably gonna die. A lot. !sk

                      Friday, 20-Jul-12 23:31:57 UTC from web
                      • @redenchilada Ok, the !sk group has a new icon now ☺

                        Friday, 20-Jul-12 19:37:38 UTC from web
                        • well, !sk is fun.

                          Friday, 20-Jul-12 19:22:44 UTC from web
                        • ok, tiam to do this. installin !sk now.

                          Friday, 20-Jul-12 15:27:06 UTC from web
                        • Golden Phantom is what a more average Tier 2 run looks like !sk

                          Friday, 20-Jul-12 09:12:25 UTC from web
                        • Hey, they actually ARE planning to do some updates to guilds! Finally! !sk

                          Friday, 20-Jul-12 08:01:43 UTC from web
                        • Additum to what I said earlier about !spiralknights. I'll play tomorrow, I'm busy now [s]hacking another game[/s] totally playing a game legitly. Yep.

                          Friday, 20-Jul-12 07:30:33 UTC from web
                        • That was enormously easier than I thought it would be. But it was only regular wolvers and Pyro gremlins, which are the easiest of their respective families so it wasn't so bad. Which is saying something too since I was attacking them all with an elemental weapon. !sk

                          Friday, 20-Jul-12 07:01:52 UTC from web
                          • Alright, I'll give !spiralknights a try. It really seems like the type of game I'd get really bored of quickly but, I'll give it some time before I decide to drop it altogether.

                            Friday, 20-Jul-12 07:01:33 UTC from web
                          • Gremlins and beasts! Oh great; ; This is gonna be !!Fun!! !sk

                            Friday, 20-Jul-12 06:56:09 UTC from web
                            • If this turns out to be beasts and/or gremlins I'm gonna be sad, all I've got right now are elemental weapons. !sk

                              Friday, 20-Jul-12 06:53:28 UTC from web
                              • Let's see if I can solo this danger room! !sk

                                Friday, 20-Jul-12 06:52:23 UTC from web
                                • !sk So I'm using my fire sword in a fire level. This may not have been the best idea I've had in the world.

                                  Friday, 20-Jul-12 06:46:30 UTC from web
                                  • That new Amber Rook gate looks really good… if you have the patience to wait for the levels to cycle you can get three arena floors in a row. It is the new roarmulus gate though, so that might cut into the payout a bit. Golden Phantom doesn't look half-bad, the Royal Jelly is there and that boss tends to be known for having a high payout. !sk

                                    Friday, 20-Jul-12 06:36:48 UTC from web
                                    • !sk Ooh. That time when I went to close the game it asked me to "rate my session to help improve the game". What's the criteria for getting that to happen, or is it just random?

                                      Friday, 20-Jul-12 04:43:43 UTC from web
                                    • Yo everybody.

                                      Friday, 20-Jul-12 03:54:08 UTC from web
                                    • !sk @lyrica @bitshift @thatonepony @robodash You have all received your invites to our new guild!

                                      Friday, 20-Jul-12 03:02:54 UTC from web
                                    • !sk Thanks to Toks we finally have our own guild~ Ask me or him for an invite.

                                      Friday, 20-Jul-12 03:00:25 UTC from web
                                    • @redenchilada @ceruleanspark And this is why RDN is awesome. (Not that reason, the other one.)

                                      Thursday, 19-Jul-12 23:18:07 UTC from web