Group actions
For those out there who live by one life style.. Thrashin'.
Thrashin (thrashin) group
Thursday, 25-Apr-13 06:07:27 UTC from web-
@maou That's what I'm talking about.
!clm reposting since we decided to do a different day of the week instead
Wednesday, 20-Mar-13 04:36:47 UTC from web-
@redenchilada !Thrashin is !thrashin any day of the week!
Now all it needs is ~PARTICIPATION~. You guys should all make lots of dumb logos. Your delicious mexican food overlord commands you.
Wednesday, 20-Mar-13 04:23:20 UTC from web-
@redenchilada Yes. But they're something...
It's totally not Punk to be so good at gymnastics.
Monday, 04-Mar-13 12:31:59 UTC from web-
@scribus Bodacious.
@anarchycarcino Bossa nova!
@scribus Totally radical.
@rarity Le not much broseph. LOLOLOL TROLLED 9gag army
Thursday, 14-Feb-13 03:46:25 UTC from web -
Friday, 08-Feb-13 18:35:35 UTC from web
@scribus They just need to have a duel. Where they hit each other with soft looking flails and act like it breaks their arms.
@anarchycarcino How did !Thrashin not receive Academy recognition?
@scribus Watch it and find out.
!thrashin Th th th thhhhhhh Thrashin.
Friday, 18-Jan-13 08:42:12 UTC from web- Scribus repeated this.
Stfu #thrashin
Monday, 12-Nov-12 05:09:14 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino My bad bruh.
@qonies Bruh, go watch the movie.
Tomorrow's going to be !Thrashin
Wednesday, 31-Oct-12 04:55:34 UTC from web-
@techdisk It does, however, make WASD a colossal hassle. :p
@insaneclownscribus i am decently fast at qwerty, ive never taken a wpm test though. The problem is whenever i need to type something its either on here where if im at 5 wpm im gonna forget what im talking about, or its for school and i really dont wanna have to spend any more time than needed on my homework.
@techdisk Yeah, fortunately by that point A) work was hella slow, and B) I really didn't give a damn anymore. XD
Sunday, 21-Oct-12 07:37:08 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino shut up
@abigpony Sleep
@anarchycarcino sleep is for the weak
Nick just put on !Thrashin too much beer.
Sunday, 21-Oct-12 07:26:21 UTC from web -
Some men just want to see the world refresh.
Saturday, 29-Sep-12 06:17:14 UTC from web-
@gladosenchilada Well I thought it was funny,
@anarchycarcino It is.
@gladosenchilada Well good.
I guess this is the last last thing since I know you all want it.
Thursday, 23-Aug-12 11:30:45 UTC from web -
I'm going to buy a new camera, then I will share some !cheddacheese with everypony
Friday, 10-Aug-12 21:58:35 UTC from web-
@mushi Give her some !cheddacheese then steal the TV
@killerkiwi117 she doesnt like cheese
@mushi Then throw !cheddacheese at her
It's a hard life being a hussla.
Wednesday, 08-Aug-12 06:22:36 UTC from web-
@thatonestocking I just figured it would fit what we are doing.
@thatonestocking Yeah, I'll be home tomorrow.
@thatonestocking O.
Sunday, 05-Aug-12 19:55:13 UTC from web
Ball so hard make mods wanna fiiiind me.
Saturday, 04-Aug-12 05:47:01 UTC from StatusNet Android- Narwhal likes this.
- Narwhal repeated this.
@thatonestocking I do, wanna see?
@thatonestocking Only if you get me and MAN
@thatonestocking They are talking about MOLLY
Sunday, 29-Jul-12 02:39:35 UTC from web-
@carcino buck you!
@lunacymambo <3
@abigpony I dont know anymore.
Tuesday, 24-Jul-12 07:47:02 UTC from web -
hi guys
Monday, 23-Jul-12 22:29:48 UTC from web -
Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 08:15:02 UTC from web
Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 08:04:46 UTC from web -
Well, I should get to bed, I have done a little too much !Thrashin nighty night!
Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 02:17:47 UTC from web-
@killerkiwi117 Night!
Oooh~ Braeburn ^_^
Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 01:56:37 UTC from web-
@purplephish20 alright, i can't deny thor.
@marsh to each their own i suppose.
@abigpony yup :P
Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 01:05:38 UTC from web-
@swaggertron who needs to remember their name shen you got SWAG, right?
@abigpony Everywhere I go I must swag.
@swaggertron Hello! You can call me Danny or Stevie!
No one is looking for gold medals or ticker-tape parades, but not being treated like bananas would be a massive improvement.
Monday, 16-Jul-12 22:43:26 UTC from web-
@carcino For your sake I'm ignoring you for the time being, otherwise you wont have an account anymore.
@princesstrixie Cerulean's home for imaginary horses.
Monday, 16-Jul-12 03:09:14 UTC from web- Scribus repeated this.
@mushi @thatonepony PMs sent
@purplephish20 *sigh* that is sad... at least i wasnt here. these agruings are just dumb
@thatonepony responded
!thrashin wallpaper
Monday, 16-Jul-12 05:58:24 UTC from web-
@marsh i wonder how many people in that group have even seen that.
@sirbanalot LOL XD
I'm craving Fish and Chips, but I've already started drinking.... no fish for Mady v.v
Monday, 16-Jul-12 00:57:28 UTC from web-
@derpyshy I went to Olive Garden (Popular Italian Restaraunt in America)
@iluvzfluttershy :l
@iluvzfluttershy mmm, good food?
The baby.
Sunday, 15-Jul-12 21:22:06 UTC from StatusNet Android