Group actions
I hope this game isn't shit. That would be disappointing.
WolfQuest (wolfquest) group
Saturday, 17-Nov-12 06:37:11 UTC from web
@redenchilada Heathen.
@chibiterasu :(
@chibiterasu I do too. I'm sincerely too anoyed by dogs and their endless barking and crap at this point.
Im tempted to play this game
Sunday, 05-Aug-12 23:17:36 UTC from web-
@nerthos It's a meme.
@anarchycarcino Everything is a meme for you.
@nerthos No really, look. teh rei
- I guess I'll play !wolfquest and !slender among other things.
Tuesday, 31-Jul-12 05:21:54 UTC from web -
I just took down a bear in !wolfquest. TAKE THAT, NATURE!
Tuesday, 31-Jul-12 04:55:11 UTC from web-
@abigpony I made this one wolf who was pure speed and the lowest strength (I think it made me have a little stamina). I couldn't even control her well because she ran so fast and it actually made it harder to protect the cubs because either I would run in a circle around the enemy or I wouldn't be able to see the enemy because I would keep running past them. xD
@tara well it has lock on, so...
@abigpony It's really not that sensitive. D: Like earlier I was chasing a coyote with my new wolf, and if I run up to it's butt too fast, not only do I not lock on, but It wont let me bite 'em. So I have to back up and try again. I like chasing coyotes. xD Though I really don't know if it's as sensitive as it used to be or not, as I just played the first level for about 20 minutes or so.
Well, time for !wolfquest
Tuesday, 31-Jul-12 04:45:24 UTC from web-
@abigpony lol, I used to do that too when I played on the 360. I keep messing up my game and corrupting saves with all the mods I try out though, so I guess I still do. Just not as willingly. xD I know all the beginning dungeons (particularly the mine next to Riverwood and the old burial ground you go to for the stone) like the back of my hoof!
@tara Well they're all just copy-pastes of eachother,
@abigpony The right mods can completely change the game. At least for me.
So I named the wolf "MrWolve" !wolfquest
Thursday, 26-Jul-12 08:43:03 UTC from web -
Thursday, 26-Jul-12 07:39:12 UTC from web