Winstin Moody's home timeline


  1. YouTuber got shot in the mall down the street. Prank channel, so, 100% deserved.

    about a year ago from web
    • @zeldatra Not the jackass who thinks it's top kek to make a bunch of noise in a college library, I hope. I wanted to pin him in a corner and give him 10,000 punches!

      about a year ago in context
    • @scribus Tanner Cook, apparently the subject of the prank whipped out a gun and shot him in the stomach, then the sheriff came and arrested them both. Since he didn’t die, I think I’m perfectly fine to say that I hope this incident causes these dudes to think twice about it from now on

      about a year ago in context
    • @zeldatra Except that this is the first I'm hearing his name, sure hope nobody else tries to stage a shooting prank to boost their career of evil

      about a year ago in context
  2. Lashing Trump to a cross and placing a crown of thorns upon his head seems a bit extreme IMO

    about a year ago from web
  3. In case anyone is wondering: I learned this over the course of a nearly 24 hour shift.

    about a year ago from web
  4. @tiff

    about a year ago from web
  5. Anybody in Europe willing to middleman for me?

    about a year ago from web
  6. I can’t wait to get home later tonight and have my pc FrankerZ a brick because it hasn’t installed a security update in two weeks

    about a year ago from web
  7. Rand Paul is complaining about "woke" schools that are now disallowing kids from wearing shirts with firearms on them. Maybe this is just because I was part of the first generation to attend school after Columbine, but it seems to me if Republicans think that this is suddenly a thing that is happening right just now they need to get their eyes checked, because I remember growing up in Florida and being told any gun-related clothing would get my ass expelled.

    about a year ago from web
  8. 2016: people here get mad at me for thinking red was a better option than blue
    2023: blue govt proposes law to invade mexico
    So how's the "don't listen to the argie psycho" train going

    about a year ago from web
  9. Ahoyhoy Amsterdam. I’m NOT here for that one thing, or that other thing, grow up

    about a year ago from web
  10. Danny Trejo is also in it but he at least plays a character.

    about a year ago from web
  11. Were NES games region locked is probably the better question actually

    about a year ago from web
  12. I’m too tall for double decker buses, in case anybody was wondering.

    about a year ago from web
  13. The Simpsons is on Channel 4 and it’s very clearly sped up to 25 frames per second, this country is GROSS

    about a year ago from web
  14. …did I make that joke already? I’m getting deja vu from that joke.

    Sunday, 05-Mar-23 20:51:49 UTC from web
  15. One week until my risk of death in a transatlantic plane crash rises significantly

    Tuesday, 28-Feb-23 20:25:04 UTC from web
  16. I put sunflower seeds on my window ledge because I feed Eurasian Blue Fluffle Puff. They have made a nest nearby.

    Tuesday, 28-Feb-23 09:47:24 UTC from web
  17. I was reading Dilbert from 2004 to 2009-ish. The content was more recycled than the paper it was printed on. I definitely stopped after Scott Adams did something stupid as well around that time, I don't know what it was anymore. Also he said some anti-vax stuff in regards to Covid-19 and was also favorable to Trump. The recent outburst of racism is barely surprising.

    Monday, 27-Feb-23 11:18:03 UTC from web
  18. new comic

    Monday, 27-Feb-23 05:00:13 UTC from web
  19. Hearing about a big, nationally syndicated comic getting pulled from newspapers nationwide because its creator is a racist, going to see what it was, and then seeing that it was Dilbert was genuinely funnier than any strip of Dilbert. Laughed out papayaing loud.

    Monday, 27-Feb-23 00:53:00 UTC from web
  20. Snowfall at the hardware store today

    Saturday, 25-Feb-23 20:10:03 UTC from web
    • Show all 5 replies
    • @scribus As somebody who’s never been west of El Paso, Southern California is all the same to me, frankly you guys are lucky people even know there’s places besides LA over there

      Saturday, 25-Feb-23 23:48:20 UTC in context
    • @zeldatra It would probably help if the Anaheim (OC) Angels didn't somehow become an LA team, and a FrankerZant car auction in the boondocks of Mira Loma, IE called itself their LA location, among other things like the city's history of swallowing up other towns (largely by calling dibs on water rights, which of course involved the flooding of a native sacred site) and the general fact that most of SoCal really is just one neverending urban/suburban/exurban sprawl

      Sunday, 26-Feb-23 02:43:05 UTC in context
    • @scribus I was gonna say, the other day I saw a map of SoCal’s road network and it sure does seem like urban Los Angeles is much bigger than LA County based on that alone

      Sunday, 26-Feb-23 18:29:01 UTC in context
  21. My search for a house is not going forward. As I thought I got one my banker told me the house ain't worth the asking price. The banker's estimate is too far off for getting a credit. He was right in hindsight as further investment would be needed to get it anywhere worthwile. It was a house from the 60s and not much has been done there. Also currently all houses on the market are overpriced as the interest rates jumped up and the houses on offer are needing a lot of TLC.

    Monday, 20-Feb-23 18:23:07 UTC from web
  22. I quit sleeping pills, which I developed an addiction to in 2019 when my depression got really bad, a little under a year ago during my first trip to the UK. I started taking them again in August after getting transferred to my new store but I’ve been a good boy since around October and I think I’ve finally kicked them for good. We’ll see how this year goes I guess.

    Sunday, 19-Feb-23 09:02:27 UTC from web
  23. Looks like my old Fluttershy avatar has brokey.

    Sunday, 19-Feb-23 16:23:53 UTC from web
  24. “Witcher 3 grape Modder Claims CDPR Used Mod Without Permission” is probably the headline of the year tbh

    Monday, 13-Feb-23 21:28:31 UTC from web
  25. Embarrassingly, I did not know that Parry Gripp was the guitarist for Nerf Herder until just now.

    Monday, 13-Feb-23 03:08:37 UTC from web
  26. I’m so bored.

    Sunday, 05-Feb-23 13:03:26 UTC from web
  27. the uk is apparently now a developing nation so my exit strategy has become “join the peace corps and claim I’m doing humanitarian work”

    Tuesday, 31-Jan-23 17:53:18 UTC from web
  28. The house will require a lot of work, like new electric wiring, new windows, and a new heating system as it is required here to replace a gas heater every 30 years and it is a few years until retirement. I'll replace it with something 100% electric and a heat pump and install solar panels on the roof.

    Thursday, 19-Jan-23 20:32:07 UTC from web
  29. I'm gonna be a home owner soon. Crippling debt yeah!

    Thursday, 19-Jan-23 17:40:07 UTC from web
  30. Anyone else’s spam box full of people claiming to have photos/evidence of you committing terrible acts followed by links to virus downloads and has anybody actually ever fallen for them

    Wednesday, 18-Jan-23 03:52:50 UTC from web