Bob Perry's home timeline


  1. !bcbronies Reminder: I would preferably like sign-ups for 42 Night on the 15th to be in by the end of Saturday. I'll be reminding people at the meetup on Saturday as well. We had a lot of last-minute sign-ups last time.

    Friday, 07-Dec-12 23:29:43 UTC from web
    • !bcbronies 42 Night sign-up for December 15th is now up! (Google Doc for info is still in it's same spot)

      Sunday, 02-Dec-12 13:48:06 UTC from web
      • !vancouverbronies Uhm, not sure if i should say anything so i'll just say Hello!

        Thursday, 29-Nov-12 09:50:07 UTC from web
      • !bcbronies Don't forget that @mcbrony is still up for more toy donations for the Toy Drive this upcoming Saturday.

        Sunday, 25-Nov-12 21:50:07 UTC from web
        • !bcbronies Fillies and Gentlecolts, we proudly present the re-incarnation of Game Nights: 42 Night (The Night, The Universe, The Everything) Google Doc: (for info only) and Sign-up form:

          Sunday, 25-Nov-12 16:31:00 UTC from web
          • !bcbronies It doesn't look like there is interest for a movie night, we will default to Games Night TNG for Dec 1st unless people really want a movie night for some reason.

            Thursday, 22-Nov-12 05:58:09 UTC from web
            • !vancouverbronies

              Thursday, 22-Nov-12 01:47:52 UTC from web
              • !bcbronies We are seeing if anyone would be interested in another post-meetup get-together for Dec. 1st. It would either be Games Night TNG or some form of Movie Night. We have Bad Movies, Monster Movies, and Lion King Night as ideas for Movie Night. Games Night TNG could start with COD Zombies. What do you want for the 1st?

                Monday, 19-Nov-12 08:19:06 UTC from web
                • !bcbronies @vorpalbob has issued a challenge!

                  Sunday, 18-Nov-12 10:00:49 UTC from web
                • !bcbronies To those that were at the Nov 4th meetup, you may remember I was gonna bring a non-brony friend to the meetup. He couldn't make it that time (wouldn't have been exciting anyways since AE was on) so he's asking if he could come this Saturday. Once again, he's very open and curious, and will be respectful to not judge or offend.

                  Wednesday, 14-Nov-12 21:13:20 UTC from web
                  • !bcbronies The video for the premiere screening reactions is done. Same procedure as last time. Ask @tesla500 for a copy from his server or come to the meetup with a laptop since I have it on disc.

                    Wednesday, 14-Nov-12 06:41:54 UTC from web
                    • !bcbronies Just a reminder, there will be A camera pointing at the audience at the screening. No BronyMike cam cause he's not showing up.

                      Saturday, 10-Nov-12 19:00:40 UTC from web
                    • !bcbronies The prices for Rasoee if anyone's interested is $7 for a wrap without sides and $8 for a Curry with rice without sides. 2 Curries on rice without sides is $10.

                      Friday, 09-Nov-12 17:11:59 UTC from web
                      • !bcbronies I'm heading to Rasoee (an modern Indian restaurant/takeoutplace by the library) right by the Library for lunch on screening day. Address for the place is 320 Robson St. It's right beside the Library. If you're interested in lunch before the screening and in joining me, I recommend coming for lunch at Noon, then moving from there to inside the library for the screening.

                        Friday, 09-Nov-12 04:40:24 UTC from web
                        • !vancouverbronies Screening location is the Peter Kaye room in the VPL

                          Thursday, 01-Nov-12 23:10:31 UTC from web
                        • !bcbronies Season 3 premiere screening is confirmed for Nov 10 at the Vancouver Public Library. 1400 (2:00PM) - Setup 1430 (2:30PM) - 1st Screening 1600 (4:00PM) - 2nd Screening 1700 (5:00PM) - ??? (QA with guests? Screen The Littlest Pet Shop?) 1730 (5:30PM) - Clean Up 1800 (6:00PM) - Seating is first come first served. More info and sign up at

                          Thursday, 01-Nov-12 22:04:11 UTC from web
                        • !bcbronies Now, if I made Karaoke videos of pony songs and we played them at the screening, would you sing along? (And this is full on with scrolling words)

                          Wednesday, 31-Oct-12 17:17:51 UTC from web
                        • !vancouverbronies aww man im super excited for the season 3 premiere do we have confirmed time and registry? cause i REALLY don't want to miss it

                          Thursday, 01-Nov-12 00:41:14 UTC from web
                        • !bcbronies Just a heads up, I may bring a non-brony friend (He's very open and curious, and will be respectful to not judge or offend) to the meetup this Saturday. Hoping this is OK with everyone. Just refrain from using anything inappropriate while he's with us, please. (No, seriously.)

                          Monday, 29-Oct-12 20:09:43 UTC from web
                          • !bcbronies Yes, EQD posted a Telesync Cam Screener from Cable On-demand of the first 8 mins of the Premiere. Please don't discuss this at the meetups. We're under two weeks away from the episode and screening, and people don't want to be spoiled.

                            Monday, 29-Oct-12 16:18:44 UTC from web
                            • !bcbronies Those coming to the meetup "today," we may have an unofficial brainstorm session of ideas to do for our screening. Participation is optional.

                              Saturday, 27-Oct-12 08:38:32 UTC from web
                              • !bcbronies Remember everypony, save the date of November 10th. The screening room awaits... and here's a photo to give you a taste of what to expect from our last screening:

                                Saturday, 27-Oct-12 08:36:58 UTC from web
                                • !bcbronies One of my DJ pals got his house broken into and needs help. If we could all show our charity, he would really appreciate it.

                                  Monday, 22-Oct-12 20:07:50 UTC from web
                                  • !bcbronies Happy Birthday today to @starsisters100, creator of the "My Little Brony" abridged series! To those unfamiliar, Joe Stevens from the Equestria Inquirer "interviewed" her as Lyra at Everfree Northwest:

                                    Sunday, 21-Oct-12 10:23:50 UTC from web
                                  • !vancouverbronies So, who else has preordered the MLP comic?

                                    Sunday, 21-Oct-12 02:54:27 UTC from web
                                    • !vancouverbronies welp its been forever since i checked here but im back and ready for some seaon 3. WOOT /)o3o(\

                                      Friday, 19-Oct-12 06:08:45 UTC from web
                                    • !bcbronies Season 3 premiere screening on Nov 10! Probably in the VPL like the S2 finale. Time likely between 1400 and 1600 (2PM to 4PM). More details to be released when confirmed. Sign up at

                                      Thursday, 18-Oct-12 20:45:15 UTC from web
                                    • !bcbronies DUDES! You should all go play Retro City Rampage (on Steam). Produced by guys in Vancouver, it's full of references that NO ONE outside the Lower Mainland will get. It's also just generally freaking awesome.

                                      Tuesday, 16-Oct-12 19:51:17 UTC from web
                                      • !bcbronies FYI, the Metrotown Toys now has the medium and small sized plushies and the pony-shaped Celestia and Luna (Royal Wedding themed)

                                        Tuesday, 16-Oct-12 05:27:37 UTC from web
                                        • !bcbronies Thanks to all that came to Mare-a-thon Night (Sleepover). In the best case scenario, this will be bi-yearly, but it depends on the circumstances. Games Night in the best case scenario would return next month, but it's return is not officially confirmed yet.

                                          Monday, 15-Oct-12 02:10:34 UTC from web