kingleojj groups

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  • Iowa Bronies iowabronies Iowa Bronies Coralville, Iowa

    Hosting a meet-up in the midwest during Anime Iowa--updates! The meet-up is officially Saturday at noon in the hotel lobby (if we need to relocate after, we'll find somewhere.) Another smaller meet-up can optionally occur Friday at 8pm in the lobby, and tentatively Sunday around 12pm at the local mall's food court? I'll be bringing a few con-exclusive sculpts/mods for raffle/sale/show off to anypony interested btw =P And if I'm feeling real creative, I'll have a few little games/events established with some little pony merch prizes. If anyone wants to help, email :3

  • Ames/Des Moines Bronies amesbronies Ames/Des Moines Bronies Ames, Iowa, USA

    Hello Everypony! This group is mainly for bronies/pegasisters from the Des Moines/Ames/Iowa State area! However, if you are from Iowa, or anywhere in the wide wide world (of Equestria) feel free to join! Hopefully, we can get more so we can have viewing parties, create fan content, and visit cons together! :)

  • College Bronies United collegeunited College Bronies United College!

    Anypony currently in, graduated, or will be in college! Started a youtube channel for all college bronies to take apart of!


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Member since
25 Sep 2015
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