Kyougi Ryu's home timeline



    Tuesday, 23-Sep-14 14:24:12 UTC from ban me pls
  2. "Got something to say? Need to say it? Unfulfilled?"

    Sunday, 10-Aug-14 22:33:50 UTC from web
  3. Do robots even have genders?

    Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:11:33 UTC from web
  4. @admin ahaha.

    Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:07:15 UTC from web
    • A friend showed me a similarity between a shot from Lesson Zero and Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff. I made this. He insisted I post it somewhere

      Wednesday, 19-Oct-11 03:28:02 UTC from web
      • just got Microsoft Office downloaded and ready to go in anticipation of the first day of school. I have to say that I am actually excited

        Saturday, 03-Sep-11 02:26:48 UTC from web
      • @greydragon412 Our school doesn't have a good "AC" so the school wasn't the best place to be this summer. Escpesially when the room had over 20 computers running.

        Thursday, 01-Sep-11 22:54:12 UTC from web
      • School started today. A friend asked me if I was a brony, I was worried he was gonna get all wierded out. He then proceeded to show me his Rainbow Dash wallpaper and we spent all of lunch discussing ponies. Easily the best part of my day.

        Thursday, 01-Sep-11 21:55:51 UTC from web
      • @zachariastargazer !hugs

        Thursday, 25-Aug-11 17:04:08 UTC from web
      • Man, why am I so tired? *realizes he's been up for 21 hours* ... Maybe I should take a nap.

        Monday, 22-Aug-11 22:01:19 UTC from web
      • @foxox I need to start giving my computers entertaining names. I just named my laptop REDSLAPPY.

        Monday, 22-Aug-11 21:34:01 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      • @kyo hallo there

        Sunday, 21-Aug-11 15:09:06 UTC from web
      • @zachariastargazer Of course =D

        Sunday, 21-Aug-11 15:07:56 UTC from web
      • All this talk of desktop ponies made me want them, too. So I enabled them. So much <3

        Sunday, 21-Aug-11 12:45:12 UTC from web
      • @hoit21 Once my mom had twins in her Sims 2 game and named them Will Hurt and May Hurt

        Sunday, 21-Aug-11 06:51:09 UTC from web
      • @mrbrown Bolero of Fire. Much better.

        Sunday, 21-Aug-11 06:11:19 UTC from web
      • Need sleep. Night everypony!

        Sunday, 21-Aug-11 06:18:11 UTC from web
      • @abigpony ..Given your avatar, I'm imagining you spinning right now.

        Saturday, 20-Aug-11 10:26:36 UTC from web
      • Good night and have fun, all! :)

        Saturday, 20-Aug-11 10:00:22 UTC from web
      • got to go to bed night

        Saturday, 20-Aug-11 09:40:07 UTC from web
      • I'm going to bed. It's awfully late, and I need some rest before I go off to work in about 4 hours. Goodnight everypony. :3

        Saturday, 20-Aug-11 09:17:44 UTC from web
      • Evenin'... er, mornin' - technically, everypony.

        Saturday, 20-Aug-11 08:48:21 UTC from web
      • Well, I'm off to bed, y'all. I had fun watching you guys talk OS'es 'n phones =P I'll probably be back again tonight, thanks for the warm welcome!

        Friday, 19-Aug-11 14:05:04 UTC from web
      • @abigpony Just finished reading the Omegle log. I have no idea what just happened but I am very amused.

        Friday, 19-Aug-11 11:29:27 UTC from web
      • @abigpony Oooh, this is gonna be good.

        Friday, 19-Aug-11 11:20:12 UTC from web
      • @abigpony Yeah, I'm new.

        Friday, 19-Aug-11 10:48:13 UTC from web